
Did Mccain the insane pick a female because he has a thing for former so-called beauty queens...?

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and don't both cindy and his running mate make him look even older and more pathetic?

omg-I get it! He just wants to be young again the poor thing




  1. NO!  The Libs aren't in the Least Scared Today!  More like Delighted!  Lots of very well qualified men as well as some other women were passed over by Senator McCain!  I used to live just a few miles from Wasilla, Alaska and being Mayor there is not a big thing!  I lived in Alaska for over 5 years and let me tell you it is like living in a foreign country!  Not that its bad, but an Alaskan Governor is nothing like any governor in the lower 48 or even Hawaii!  Just wait until she tells people who need food stamps that they need to go subsistence hunting!  And that is commonplace for Alaskans!  Remember also, Alaska, the state has soooo much oil money, people there don't pay Income Taxes, the State pays them Royalties earned from oil invested clear back since the 70's!

    Great place to live, but NOTHING LIKE HERE!  She is going to get eaten for lunch!

  2. McCain didnt choose her but has a system of analysts that came up with the best strategy and she fit the bill

  3. He picked her because he liked the way she approached issues such as "The Bridge to Nowhere"

  4. Because everything he does, is a "poor idiot's attempt to be legit and still able to reason, relate to younger ages and maintain political balance", of which he can do neither. He reads from papers, he does not have the capacity to think anymore and he is probably the biggest and most incompetent fool that has ever with the exception of a few in the earlier years, tried to slip into the presidential chair. Rest easy though, the Santa looking "strange man", does not have the capacity to think. If you want someone with border line Alzheimer’s read you from papers, vote for him, otherwise take the alternative of a thinking man, even if some don't like what he thinks, he actually thinks! Send McCain to hospice!

  5. rare2fir are so right on

  6. So many people are out to get her today! What's your problem?

  7. Nope.  He picked her because she's exactly the type of person he needed to unite the Conservatives behind him!  It was nothing short of brilliant!  Obama doesn't have a shot!

  8. Man, are libs scared today!

  9. Quite frankly, my dear...


    On all counts.


    He really looked disabled while he announced his V.P. choice and introduced her. Old and disabled. I don't think I ever want to get like that.

  10. It's the Cons who are squirming, McCain's pick is insane.  Just goes to show he has no idea what he is doing.  He's 72 and he wants that woman next in line for the White House?  She's a 'yes sir' for sure.

  11. Hahaha, so true. The poor man doesn't stand a chance. Peace!

  12. Gee, since when does good looks disqualify someone for office?

    OMG - I get it, Dems wish they had a candidate half as attractive as Palin.

  13. No . he picked a female who can and will run for president in 4 1/2 years..  Eat your heart out Hillary.

  14. He just wants to avoid a Clinton-style s*x scandal if he wins.  If he philanders with his VP, they can both claim executive privilege and no one can make them talk.

    Seriously, though, I just caught a clip of his pronouncement speech on YouTube (I don't have TV), and Palin openly appealed to those women who supported Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee for their votes.  This is despite the fact that Palin's political philosophy is 180º from Hillary's, as though American women are so out of touch with the issues that they will vote for her and McCain just because she is a woman.  Astounding!

  15. The thing you DON'T know about my governor is that she is an amazing politician and the future of the Republican party.  She's very straightforward and honest.  "Hold me accountable" is her favorite saying.  She loves to lead, unite, and reform in the true GOP fashion.  She abhors corruption and fights it even if it's in her own party.  She loves our military men and women and even visited them in Kuwait, Germany, and I don't know where else.  Her eldest son is in the military.  

  16. The old stud is thinking about doing a little drilling in Alaska.

  17. Hmmm... Another question using sexism towards women from the liberals who claim to be the champions of "womens rights". Remember that the Republicans gave a woman a chance. Hillary is still "under the bus" where Obama threw her.

  18. His decision is a disaster in the making. what a big boob mccain is turning out to be

  19. You have to wonder?

    He cheated on and left his ex (beauty queen contestant) wife after she became crippled in a car accident to marry his mistress (Beauty Queen contestant) Cindy McCain

    He said she wasn't  attractive anymore.

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