
Did Michael Phelps REALLY win his last event?

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I respect the guy but I honestly believe that his last win was questionable. Look closely, I can't ultimately decide for myself if it was a fair win, it almost looks like they should give out 2 Gold Medals.




  1. Yes

  2. Cavic's coach and serbia are filing a suit against the judgement. the race was shown again, in slow motion and it definitley looks like Cavic's hand touched the wall before Phelps did. Maybe Cavic touched it too lightly and thus the clock didn't stop. I don't really think Michael won it, a tie, but he definitely didn't beat Cavic

  3. Phelps Won! This underwater slow motion .gif, confirms that Phelps hands hit the touchpad first.

  4. I'm still skeptical. The underwater view really makes it seem as if Cavic won. What a tough break. I wonder if Phelps will always question this win in the back of his mind? Congrats to both swimmers for an excellent race and marvelous achievement.  

  5. He didn't win. Phelps touched the sensor before Milorad Cavic, but Cavic's fingers touched the wall first. Unless the sensor the entire wall for each lane, the wall has to take precidence over the sensor.

    Milorad Cavic touched the wall before Phelps touched the wall or the sensor so Milorad Cavic is the winner.

  6. I watched yesterday and too was amazed, but today I wanted to see what was actually exchanged by the officials, the Serbians, and the US teams.

    The officials spent quite some time testing the technologies used, the timing equipment - like the touchpad and its sensitivity - the video equipments, etc., and of course replayed the videos and broke them into tiny time increments and frames that they say clearly show Phelps winning.    FINA (the name for international swimming officials organization or something)  "determined the timing and video were working perfectly. And they broke the tape down to the 1/10,000th of a second and a couple of definitive frames showed Phelps winning."

    "Phelps had not simply won by a 100th of a second, which is what the clock showed, 50.58 to 50.59, but actually by a couple 10,000ths of a second. This is an indefinable amount of time, quicker than the time it takes to blink, snap or do just about anything," the McClatchy Newspaper of Kansas City reports.  I suppose it was not that visible in real time because Phelps won by a few 10,000ths of a second, which the article says in this time we can do just about nothing but blink. It's crazy, but true!  I'm pretty sure I blinked during Phelps' win, so I'm sure I missed the great win.

    After the review, "Serbian officials then reviewed tape then basically said 'OK, you are right.'"  Cavic even admitted to the loss, saying "'To lose by a hundredth of a second is the most difficult loss you can have, especially at the Olympics. And I did see the replays.'"

    I couldn't see the win for myself because it was so close, but hey, they  got it solved, and both Phelps and Cavic should be proud.  It was a very well fought race.

    I read a few articles, but for the full article of the one I cited, click here:

  7. touch pads don't lie...1/100th of a second is like a mosquito f**t...not necessarily discernible from every angle with the naked eye...thus the use of electronic touch pads.  

  8. Yes.  They checked the video--"slowed to one frame every 10-thousandth of a second."  Phelps touches first.  He wins.

  9. I totally agree. Check the photo on the front page of the New York Times online.  It is clear that Phelps came in second.  He DID NOT win this race, yet he was given the gold medal so that the American Olympic story could continue.  In our quest to make history and leave China with all of these great memories, we have made a mockery of sportsmanship.  If Phelps is really the standout athlete that everyone says he is; after seeing that photo he should stand up and be a man and personally give that gold medal to its rightful owner, Cavic.  I wonder will his mother tell him to do what's right?

  10. I agree with the others. It really seems to me that Cavic won and touched the pad before Phelps. I've seen the replay numerous times and still firmly believe that Cavic is the winner. Maybe he pressed too lightly or the sensor isn't all over the pad, but I feel like the IOC just WANTS Phelps to win all of his races and purposely gave him the Gold.  

  11. touch pads don't lie

    he won, the underwater cameras show it in slow mo, he won definitely

    cavic's committee's petition was denied as well

  12. ...

  13. Watch the video, he won. I didn't think there was any way he could pull it off, but the other guy decided to stretch for it instead of taking that last half stroke, bad decision.

  14. i like phelps !!1 i dunno who won but that guy is the only 1 so far i seen that can beat phelps... he was faster than phelps ..(not judging bout touching the wall)

  15. Your the biggest fool on this planet if you actually think this could be rigged.   What if he was clearly 1 second behind?  are you saying the computer would of made Phelps win.  Who can make a faster than a split second decision to give the win to Phelps?  if you knew anything about time pad computers you would know that this is impossible. And to program these to give a swimmer a win over another is impossible and would require a special program, which would be detected in no time.

    These pads are so sensitive the lightest touch or tap will stop these.  Stop being a hater he won and that's that!!!


  16. its obviously a fair win, they don't just give out gold metals in the olympics.  The placement was protested and the right call was made.  it really does look like Phelps came in second but the cameras don't lie.  They reviewed it for about 15 minutes and i cant even imagine the kind of technology they have to review these calls.  You may think that it looked like Phelps lost or tied but you also didn't get to see the review in the booth, think of that...

    U! S! A!      U! S! A!       U! S! AAAAAA!

  17. I actually wanted to see what others thought about this.  I watched it and I thought for sure the other guy was there first.  When I was hearing the commentators say Phelps won I was thinking are these guys looking at the same pictures as I?

    I really think from the angles shown on tv that the other guy won!  

  18. It was close, but they have electronic touch pads. Michael Phelps had 50.58 and Milorad Cavic had 50.59. It's VERY close, so I doubt you can see it for yourself at full speed.

  19. i noe, it was unbelieveable!

    it was a tough call, but he definately won cuz they have touch pad thingys!


    that CONVINCED ME  

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