
Did Michael Vick get too light a prison sentence?

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I just saw about the fighting dogs Michael Vick had. It was appalling. I never really was a big fan of Michael Vick. Even before he signed that fat contract with Nike, I thought he was way overrated. He threw too many interceptions and relied only on his legs. But that's beside the point.

I cannot believe that he only got 2 years in prison. Some idiot from the NBA, whom I believe was Stephan Marbury, made some asanine comment. He said that dog-fighting was no different from deer hunting. Deer hunters don't kidnap little fawns and use them to train the bucks to fight. They also don't pay money to watch two bucks kill each other.

The deer are killed quickly and humanely. Often times, the deer are also eaten.

I know Stephan Marbury thought Michael Vick was innocent because he's black. It may not sound very PC for me to say that, but I can't think of any other reason. Obviously Marbury never went deer-hunting before in his life. Where the h**l did he go to college? Did he take the courses that have only multiple choice exams or did his Professor rig all his grades for him?

Michael Vick even did the very brave thing of trying to blame it on his friends. Some friend! I guess he never figured that someone would videotape him drowning and electrocuting some of the dogs that were too injured to fight. I suppose he also thought everyone was going to buy it when he tried to explain that they buried the corpses of 55 dogs on his estate in Virginia.

That's why he pleaded guilty. The prosecution had a solid case. The cards were stacked so high that not even Johnny Cochran would have been able to get him off by pulling out the race card. The camera didn't lie in the Rodney King case, and it d**n sure didn't lie in this one. I know that Michael Vick tried to use the race card, but he seemed to forget that there were no white people involved in this case either.

I'm not racist, but I know that these cases are true.

When I see something this wrong, I hit it dead on with a sledgehammer. I don't beat around the bush with a rapier. That's not my style. I hope that Michael Vick is playing Tight End now in the State Penitentiary. I also hope that nobody (not even the Cowboys) sign him when he gets out of prison.

The reason why I mention The Dallas Cowboys is because of their track record of signing the most controversial players in the NFL like Terrell Owens and all the legal troubles they've had.




  1. I think it is ridiculous for anyone to expect him to pay more than he did. He lost a lot of money and spent time in jail. The time he spent in jail was tax payers money spent to house him. He made a mistake like anyone else did and he paid his price. Look how many people are raping, beating and killing some of them get parole if that much and repeat the same crime in less than 3 years. I mean get over it. Let the first man who never committed a crime cast the first stone if not shut up and live your own life.

  2. No 2 years and his milli"s gone might be too much.what some dont know is that he has a daughter and he missed 2 of her birthdays.

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