
Did Michelle Obama really say this in her speech?

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Something to this effect: "For the first time in my life I'm actually proud to be an American."

If she really said this, what do you think that says about her?




  1. No, that is not quite what she said, and the words you left out, and particularly the word you changed, make all the difference.  What she actually said was "For the first time in my ADULT lifetime I am REALLY proud of my country and not just because Barack is doing well but BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE HUNGRY FOR CHANGE."  The key word here is "really," as opposed to the word "actually" in your misquote.  She did not say that she had not been proud before, merely that this was the first time "in her adult life" that she had been "really" proud, and for the reasons stated.  One can be proud of a child, for instance, but when that child does something truly remarkable you can say that you are "really" proud.

    I am so tired of people implying, and even stating outright, that Barack and/or Michelle Obama are not patriots.  That is a totally ridiculous slander, and anyone who stops and thinks about it objectively, just for a moment, knows that it is ridiculous.

    Look, there are enough legitimate things to criticize Obama for (his vote on the FISA amendment, for instance), so stop making things up, or making something out of nothing.  

  2. Yes she did.  For a woman of her education and experience thought she would have understood what she was saying.   She needs to learn how to give a speech and learn how to convey a positive tone like Hillary Clinton and Sara Palin do.

  3. *crickets*

  4. In her speech at the convention Mrs. Obama made it very clear that she is a proud American.

    Earlier in Senator Obama's campaign, while referring to the fact her husband was doing so well, she did make the "mistake"of saying, "For the first time in my life I am proud to be American."

    From a minority point of view, from the point of view that you never have a chance to do something like become president because of your color, gender, religion, or economic status; I understand both Mrs. Obama's euphoric statement of being proud and the Dixie Chicks statement of being ashamed.

    Responsible people should be ashamed and not proud when their country become hypocritical invaders.

    When you are taught anything is possible and then are given all the exceptions as you get older.

    When you are told you are growing up in a democracy, but then find that unless you live in the right state, your individual vote only counts because it prevents those in power from saying you are apathetic, so they can justify any action they want to take.

    When your constitutionally guaranteed rights are taken away and fear mongering and labeling become a weapon turned onto your own citizens.

  5. Yes, she did say that. And I agree with her. Just think what happened to " America" in the past and know we are going to have a president who REALLY has his head on his shoulders, and knows whats best for " America". I myself is proud to be an " American" now that her husband Barack Obama is and will be the president of the United States.

  6. Well who blames her after having that stupid president for so long

  7. It means nothing.Sarah Palin wants to succeed from the US.

  8. Yep, ouch think it was after her husband won Iowa. It is a common expression. How many times have you heard professional athletic say they were never prouder of their team or sport. She will never give an off the cuff emotional answer again. It is a stretch to say someone that accomplished as much as she has isn't proud of America. Nader1 Obama 2 in 08.  

  9. What office is she running for?

  10. That she is turning her back on her muslim ties.

  11. I think the way that blacks have been treated throughout most of her life, and how the current President has embarrassed us for the past 8 years is nothing for ANY American to be proud of.

  12. She did say it and it shows what kind of person Barrack O chose as his soul mate.  She's an unpatriotic professional victim despite all the advantages she's had in her life.  A perpetual whiner.  The people you surround yourself with are an indication of your character, or lack of character in this case.  

  13. It says she was paying attention to Jerimiah Wright during those 20 years she was a member of his America hating church..

    Course her husband nevver heard any of it

    By the way, if her ancestors had been left in Africa she would still be there making $1.00 a month  like her brother-in-law. instead of $300,000 a year in evil Amereica

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