
Did Michelle actually say we need to elect Barack, because our souls are broken in America?

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  1. Do you people lay awake at night dreaming this c**p UP? or what?

    First you dream this stuff up, then you post it some place and then you go someplace else and refernce to your FIRST FANTASY.

    NO... she DID NOT SAY THAT... and YOU ARE DREAMING... again.!

    You people will be out of your fantasy world if McSAME get's elected and YOU GET DRAFTED... because a VOTE for McSAME is a VOTE FOR THE DRAFT.. and it will serve you RIGHT... Mister Cannon Fodder...

  2. I think she said something with those words but don't know the proper context. It makes sense though. When people choose war over loving thy neighbor & faith in God to heal problems. When attacks come instead of looking & asking "what do I do now?". Only a broken soul would kill to fix people being killed. It is a never ending karmic circle. We have destroyed our finances. We have let corruption take over. We have lowered our standands. Clouded our vision. How can anyone think a women with a journalism career is as qualified to understand things as well as a top Harvard Law graduate. People have been dumbed down & they can't think clearly. There soul would guide them out but they have lost touch with this guidance. Michele is more qualified than the beauty queen. This is insane. Obama will win. Too many people deserve better. We were doing so well when Bush got into office & we underestimated how stupid people became when he was elected again. I didn't see anything in Kerry so Obama is an opportunity for our country to come alive again for people to live their potentials & break the fox tv addiction. Anyone who watchs that doesn't know about Rupert Murdock buying Newt Gingrich. That is a disgrace to what they have done to our country.

  3. NO.  At least not in any speech I have heard.

  4. she was right on.

  5. no, she said America was broken, and if you take a good look at it, she is right

  6. After hearing Rev Wright sermons for Twenty years she probably believes it, don't if she said it, Her and her Husband are both frauds.

  7. She said she hated America at first, then she got muzzled until they

    trained her what to say in public!

  8. They want you to believe he is the Messiah.

  9. She did say it. She's a fruit loop.

    BO is supported by terrorists - why would a terrorist want him to win? They go as far as raising money for his campaign.

    Muslims who consider themselves our enemy know they can't attack us head-on. They have to sneak attack and infiltrate. They are surrounding us as we speak. Barack Obama served as a paid director of a nonprofit organization with Rashid Khalidi and Bill Ayers, confessed domestic terrorists. Together they funded a controversial Arab group that calls the establishment of Israel a "catastrophe" and supports intense immigration reform. Hmmmm, why??

    What a coup, to infiltrate the highest office in our country. Can't do that by letting people know who you are. You'd have to do that by being just what Americans want, telling them what they want to hear. Make them prove they aren't racist, it'll be a good cover when troubling facts arise. The media won't investigate, better to be PC than appear racist.  

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