
Did Mossad not tell US about the 9/11 attacks right before they happened because they wanted them to happen?

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Who had the most to gain from the attacks on 9/11 other than obviously Al Qaeda?

Who wanted to get rid of Saddam more than anyone other than the US?

Who was more worried about Saddam's WMDs & was well in range of his scud missiles that could carry those WMDs?

Who gave the US most of intelligence about Saddam's supposed WMDs?

Who couldn't invade Iraq on their own but knew the US could do relatively easily if given the right motivation?

Who wanted & still wants the US in Iraq to put pressure on Iran?




  1. to start with, the elite society called the Bilderberg Group is protected by MOSSAD amongst others.

    they are the ones keeping the price of gas up:

    there was the VERY peculiar activity by the Zim-American Israeli Shipping Co. prior 9/11:

    the company moved its 200 workers out of the WTC one week before the attacks

    even though its costly lease hadn't expired yet.

    'Odigo' - also received warnings:

    the 'dancing Israeli' sighting is commonly cited.

    the van they were dancing on however, had 'Urban Moving Systems' written on the side

    Zionists clearly dominate the White House:

    US financial aid to Israel statistics are huge:

    US finance means Israel is the third biggest combat power in the world:

    which makes the US & Israel, one & the same.

    i am fully aware of the terrible holocaust & the dreadful things that happened to the Jewish people & many others.

    however, i do NOT think that should cloud our vision of what is happening NOW - SIXTY years later.

  2. It sounds as if you are trying to sour people's idea about Israel

    and you would probably succeed in doing it to many....yet,

    Saddam did send scuds into Israel and Israel did not retaliate because the US asked Israel not to do so...I doubt Israel knew about the attacks of 9/11/01...but I do remember

    the snaggled toothed old Palestinian hag dancing in the streets and flashing the "V" sign celebrating the you obvisouly have not convinced me of anything of the kind on Mossad.

  3. Bizarro Superman?

    This sounds like a truther rant, so the Bizarro world from the comics has to be involved somehow...

  4. The Israelis put their embassies on alert just before Sept 1. We issued a warning to our overseas installations just after that. The rest of your post is a complete flight of fancy. Interesting that people actually believe that agents of the Mossad would admit who and what they were. If you wanted to frame the Israelis isn't that exactly what you would do?

  5. The Mossad wouldn't share anything with us anyway.

  6. All this is for your welfare and protection. A person like you would be among the first to get beheaded in a stadium after the Democrat Party hands over this nation to the Taliban. They have already nominated a Moslem, one who rules out any response to the Moslem terrorist, as a first step toward surrender. You have much to fear if Obama gets elected.

  7. Very likely.

    September 11, 2001, five Israeli men deliberately dressed in Arabic clothing were caught celebrating the attacks. After being caught by the police, the Israelis claimed it was their job to be there (in advance from Israel) to quote "document the event" unquote.

    They even went on to say the same thing that Benjamin Netanyahu would repeat four years later on 07/07/05 after the London bombings-- that the attacks on America and London, were "good" because "It generates sympathy for Israel"

  8. The only question he needs now is:

    "Who likes to put the blood of young Christians into Matza balls?"

    I know the poster wants to ask that but can't.

  9. awful lot of people in here still in denial, oh well.

    as I understand it the mossad are the ones that planted the bombs in the building. this job was done by an international organization not just by Bush  (he's too stupid ). How else do you explain that all the Jews took the day off. tell me who in this country has the power to tell our military to stand down and allow this to happen, especially to the pentagon hours after the initial assault. people you've got to start to think a little. please.

  10. Probably. They certainly knew about it, and some even suggest that the whole operation was farmed out to Mossad by those who drafted PNAC.

    As for those who cannot believe it - sprinkling their answers with insults, please edit your answers to give me explanations for the following:

    1. The Israelis who were dancing with joy watching/recording the burning twin towers by their surveillance van and arrested by the NYPD on 9/11 (But later mysteriously released)

    "They were found with large amounts of cash, a box cutter, multiple foreign passports, maps linking them to the blasts, a bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if detecting explosives in their van, and when the FBI seized and developed their photos, one showed the driver flicking a cigarette lighter in front of the smoldering ruins in an apparently celebratory gesture."

    2. The Israelis who received warning instant messages via Odigo to get out of the WTC area hours before 9/11 happened.

    "Officials at an instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that at least two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York landmarks.

    Citing a pending investigation by law enforcement, the company declined to reveal the exact contents of the message or to identify the sender."

    Anyone with an explanation? Especially the ones who insulted the questioner? How about those who threatened the questioner? Anyone?

    Edit: Please note the deflamatory nature of the answerer below - answers like that get questions deleted.

  11. This whole thing happened because Saddam was insane. He wanted to retain the image of being strong to intimidate Iran, so he allowed his country to be invaded since he didnt tell the truth. If Saddam had denied outright having WMDs this would not have happened.

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