
Did Muslims ever unite with deviant sects like shias khwarjis Muatazela in History?

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as long as I know the deviant sects started Just after the prophet

and the first one fought them was the first Khalifah

Abu Bakr(ra)

then the other Khalifa's and they were a lot of deviant sects who split from Islam and add changed their religion add things take out things

All sahaba and tabeen fought Bida'ah and Shrik and fought them from changing Islam

give me one Example that was Muslim united with deviant sects like shias sufis khwarjis etc




  1. No, and Insha'allah they never will.

  2. Imaam al-Laalikaa’ee reported in his Sharh Usool al-I’tiqaad that al-Fudayl bin ‘Iyyaad said:

    لا تجلس مع صاحب بدعة أحبط الله عمله وأخرج نور الإسلام من قلبه

    ((Do not sit with the person of innovation, Allaah has rendered his actions futile and removed the light of Islaam from his heart))

    Al-Fudayl bin 'Iyyaad also said:

    أدركت خيار الناس كلهم أصحاب سنة وينهون عن أصحاب البدع

    ((I met the best of Mankind, all of them were people of Sunnah and they forbade sitting with the people of innovation))

    Aboo Nu’aym al-Asbahaanee recorded in his Hilyatul Awliyaa (8/103) that al-Fudayl ibn ‘Iyyaad said:

    أحب أن يكون بيني وبين صاحب بدعة حصن من حديد

    ((I would love that there be between me and a person of innovation a fortress of iron.))

    Imaam Aboo ‘Uthmaan as-Saaboonee said on page 112 of his ‘Aqeedatus Salaf As-haabul Hadeeth:

    مع ذلك على القول بقهر أهل البدع، وإذلالهم وإخزائهم وابعادهم واقصائهم، والتباعد منهم ومن مصاحبتهم ومعاشرتهم، والتقرب إلى الله عز وجل بمجانبتهم ومهاجرتهم

    ((And along with that they (the Salaf) unanimously agreed with their saying about the Ahlul Bid’ah, that they should be subdued, humiliated and disgraced, banished and driven away. That (one must) keep away from them, from those who associate with them and from those who are intimate with them. And to seek nearness to Allaah by avoiding them and fleeing from them.))

    Imaam al-Awzaa’ee said:

    لا تمكنوا صاحب بدعة من جدل فيورث قلوبكم من فتنته ارتياباً

    ((Do not give a person of innovation a chance to debate for your hearts will be affected by his fitnah as a result))

    Ibn Abee Ya’laa recorded in his Tabaqaat al-Hanaabillah (1/60) that ‘Abdus Samad al-Haashimee narrated from ad-Daaruqutnee who narrated from ‘Uthmaan bin Ismaa’eel who said:

    سمعت أبا داود السجستاني يقول قلت: لأبي عبد الله أحمد بن حنبل أرى رجلا من أهل السنة مع رجل من أهل البدعة أترك كلامه قال: لا أو تعلمه أن الرجل الذي رأيته معه صاحب بدعة فإن ترك كلامه فكلمه وإلا فألحقه به قال: ابن مسعود المرء بخدنه

    ((I heard Abaa Daawood as-Sijistaanee saying: I said to Abee ‘Abdillaah Ahmad bin Hanbal: “If I see a man from Ahlus Sunnah sitting with a man from the people of innovation, should I speak with him?” He said, “No, you should first inform him that the one whom you saw him with is a person of innovation. Either he will cease speaking to the innovator, so continue speaking to him, or if not, then consider him to be like him. Ibn Mas’ood said that a man is like his friend”))

    Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibnul Qayyim said on page 60 of his Shifaa’ al-‘Aleel:

    وقد كان ابن عباس شديداً على القدريّة، وكذلك الصحابة

    ((Ibn ‘Abbaas was harsh upon the Qadariyyah, and like that were the Sahaabah))

    , it was said about Shaykh al-Islaam Abee Ismaa’eel ‘Abdullaah bin Muhammad al-Ansaaree al-Harwee (D. 481):

    سيفاً مسلولاً على المتكلمين

    ((A Sharp sword on the people of Theological Rhetoric)) (as was reported by adh-Dhahabee in his Siyaar A’laam an-Nubalaa (18/509))

    كان جذعاً في أعين المبتدعة وسيفاً على الجهميّة

    ((He was a thorn in the eyes of the innovators and a sword against the Jahmiyyah)) (Reported in al-‘Ibar (2/343))

    It was said in his biography by adh-Dhahabee (Siyaar A’laam an-Nubalaa (18/509)):

    عُرضت على السيف خـمس مرّات، لا يقال لي: ارْجع عن مذهبك، لكن اسكتْ عمن خالفك، فأقول: لا أسكت

    ((The sword was put to my neck five times, and it was not said to me “Leave your Madhhab” but it was said “keep silent about those who differ with you”, so I said “I will not remain silent”))

    Ibn Battah recorded in his al-Ibaanah (Number 189) that al-Fudayl bin ‘Iyyaadh said:

    مَنْ تَبِعَ جِنَازَةَ مُبْتَدِعٍ لَمْ يَزَلْ فِي سُخْطِ اَللَّهِ حَتَّى يَرْجِعَ

    ((Whoever follows the Janaazah of the innovator, the resentment of Allaah will not cease from him until he returns))

    Imaam Aboo Daawood as-Sijistaanee recorded a chapter in volume 4 of his Sunan entitled:

    باب ترك السلام على أهل الأهواء

    ((Chapter: Abandoning the Salaam upon the people of Desires))

    And he also recorded a chapter:

    باب مجانبة أهل الأهواء وبغضهم

    ((Chapter: Turning away from the people of desires and hating them))

    There's much more but not much space here. Just refer to the book of Imaam al-Laalikaa'ee, Usool al I'tiqaad or al-Ibaanah of Ibn Battah

  3. No. They just left each other alone instead of reaping their butt off whining about each other on internet forums!

    And yes, Shia and Sunni were "united" under Ali's khilafa.

    This is a serious answer. They left each other alone. And back then, there were no crazyass Wahhabis who wanted to go after other people killing them.

    It's just logical. Sunnis consider Ali a righteous leader, and Shia's believed Ali to be the righteous leader. You disprove it.

    America and USSR were united against n***s. I can't "prove" it, it's just logical.

    If Ali (a Sahaba) was truly displeased and angered by the existence of Shia's, he would have spoken against it.

  4. nop they never did do not and never will.

    would you unit with sombody who curses your mother for no valid reason?

    shia curse the Prophet beloved wife Aisha, mother of believers.

  5. i don't think so,and i hope they don't

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