
Did NASCAR rush the COT into competition?

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the COT was suppose to be phased in over two seasons, and be used full time in the '09 season. All season I've been waiting for a good race...(after a let down I'd say something like well at least Bristol is coming up, then Bristol comes and goes, and I'd say at least we can look forward to Talledega, etc.) Then after the embarrassment at Indy, I question if NASCAR made the right decision with the new car.

Do you have an opinion on this?




  1. I don't have a big problem with it. I think its been good racing on such short development.  On another note.  Keep fooling yourself that Bristol is a good race.  It hasn't been a good race in 6 years.  It should be called Dover jr.  The place was ruined.  But thats just my opinion.  It used to be my favorite now my least.  Dega has improved lately.  I will admit that.

  2. They spent almost 7 years on it and we have seen guys walk away from wrecks unhurt that would have seriously injured people in the old car.  The COT raced really well everywhere they took it last year too.  After seeing the results the teams voted to use it the entire season this year instead of phasing it in over 3 years as NASCAR originally planned.  It could still use some tweaking.  The old car didn't just pop out like it was last year.  It took 25 years of tweaking to get to where it was.

    Whats wrong with Bristol?  Since they repaved it you can actually race someone without just bumping people out of the way.  That's not racing.  If I wanted to watch a bunch of wrecks I would go to a demolition derby.

  3. YES! I definitely agree that they should have run the COT part time again this year. We would have seen much better racing for the first half of this season and next as far as I am concerned. True, one or two teams (18 and 99) had things figured out, but the majority did not, and still doesn't. I think it will get better and better in time. Meanwhile though, I still think if they would have stuck with the original plan to phase it in over the course of two seasons it would have been much better racing overall.

  4. It isnt a problem with the car itself. The drivers openly state that it drives differently than the "old" car, but they get paid millions, they can adjust. The real problem is the tires coupled with NASCAR's need for a break in the action of the race. Goodyear is not ignorant. They can make a good tire that can go for a while. NASCAR wants them to walk the edge. That edge obviosly cut deep and hard at INDY this year. The simple fact that at Pocono Harvick spun at speed (with a little help form Joe) and steered out of it with no other cars getting wrecked tells us that the drivers have adjusted to steering it and that they are safer.

  5. The COT has been on schedule since it was first planned.There have been glitches that have shown up but most were expected.

    The main problem is the teams are being policed more and can not do certain "tweeks" to the cars for an advantage.This has caused some fans to question the validity of wether or not the COT was not tested enough.There was alot of R&D that went into the car and there will be many changes as the season progresses.

    But no , the COT was right on time.

  6. Got hand it to officals at NA$CAR  Took decades and many good and hard driving drivers (Pettys, Roberts, Jr Johnson, ect ) to develop stock cars into the sport we now call NA$CAR  It's taken current officals less than 6 years to destroy the stock in stock car racing and develop it into a race between 43 clones-COT) where nothing resembles  (sorry the grill) a stock car .  If it is car of tomorrow do we get see hybrids race next year.    

  7. they rush into everything

  8. nascar already had everything finalized in 07 they changed nothing it was just for teams to get used to the only reason the races haven't been that good is cause of kyle and how he gets these great engines and car bodys

    you should have seen the nationwide bristol last year

  9. I wouldnt say it was rushed because its been like 7 years in the making

  10. NASCAR may have BUT it was at the request of all the team owners and NASCAR went ahead and ushered it in. So in a way, we can't blame NASCAR for this. So yeah, some/most of the races have been real snoozers this year; but who knows it could get better right??? Please tell me it'll get better! Oh, Indianapolis how you have cut me!!

  11. I think to satisfy everyone NASCAR needs to do what they did last year.  Run a half and half schedule.  Yes, it will be  a lot of extra money spent, but NASCAR gets to use the new car while the drivers race a few with the old.  The COT is lame.  It doesn't spin out which brings nothing but snorefests in my opinion.  The races have been so boring this year in my opinion.

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