
Did NYtimes finally get something right?

by Guest31750  |  earlier

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New York Times finally placed the blame where it belongs- on the shoulders of C. Ray Nagin, Democrat mayor of New Orleans, for the loss of life suffered in Katrina..

But, this IS a switch, blaming a Democrat.




  1. Blame needs to be placed where it should and we all knew that it was the DEMOCRATIC mayor and the DEMOCRATIC govenor that was mainly to blame!!!.. They were so quick to blame everyone else but themselves.... They were warned about Katrina and chose to do NOTHING both of them are crooked anyways.... This time, they are more prepared but Im sure they are going to put the blame once again on someone else then themselves!

  2. I wonder, now that Gustav has been downgraded to a tropical storm how many are going to pack up and go next time.

    Katrina was over when the levee gave way, flooding the city.

    If you want blame, you have to blame those who built it and poorly maintained it.

    Katrina didn't head on hit NO, and the city came through the storm fairly well, until the levee broke, and the flooding stayed.

    If they could have left the dome and gone back to their homes in a day or two, it would only have been a bad memory not a disaster.

    Trying to make this a Democrat/Republican thing for political points is not a good idea, in fact its as bad an idea as you can get.

  3. Your talking about a blogger..This is not the opinion of the NY Times...

    Whats the point? The truth is the Bush administration did not respond after the fact!

  4. Nope.  Not a switch.  Check out the last line.  The lib solution to everything.  Pour money into it.

    "And that problem is not going to be solved until a lot more money is poured into hurricane research."

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