
Did Neal Armstrong see aliens on the Moon in 1969

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and if so, what did they tell him?




  1. No he didn't... and so he said nothing.

  2. no. he didnt really go to the moon.

  3. I believe that they weren't aliens at all but Earthling-from our future. I think time travel becomes possible in the future and people have travelled back in time to witness this event first hand. That would explain the ominous warnings by the"aliens".

  4. No one has ever seen aliens anywhere.

    Of course there are plenty of loonies that claim all sorts of silly things.

  5. Yup.

    They asked him if he puts out.

  6. Nah,what do you think?

  7. NO

  8. YES

    Neil saw Buzz Aldren and himself, that's two aliens.

    On the moon, us earthlings are the aliens.

    Buzz does report that the crew of Apollo 11 saw a strange object on the way to the moon. It was never positively identified, so that would be a UFO. Whether aliens are involved or not is speculation, but at least if they were they were curious, not hostile (that's a relief)

  9. No aliens were discovered during the Apollo 11 mission...nor any other space mission to date.

  10. yes, actually the aliens kept Neil for scientific experiments and sent back one of their own disguied to look like him to monitor our planet.

  11. no. Who's "Neal" Armstrong? I haven't heard of him?

  12. No.

    The famous "professor at a symposium" story is told in the book "Above Top Secret," but there's absolutely no evidence that any such symposium took place, the professor is not named, the story is told second-hand, and there is no evidence the original source has ever met Mr. Armstrong.  In short, it's one of the dozens of unsubstantiated rumors circulated in books written by people trying to make names for themselves at others' expense.

    There is circulating on the internet an audio file and a transcript of its contents, which purport to be the recording of Armstrong sighting aliens on the Moon.  The audio is an obvious forgery (the voices don't sound anything like the people supposedly in them, and the Quindar beeps are wrongly timed).  It just goes to show how desperate some people are to believe in space aliens on the Moon.

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