
Did Noxema original cleansing cream work for you?

by Guest56536  |  earlier

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this is a poll i guess...




  1. yes

  2. I love noxema it's the only face wash i use & it works great.

  3. I used it when I was younger because my mother used it, it was okay. I use dove now instead.  

  4. yes, i found using it was not drying and it kept the zits away.

  5. not at all

  6. Oh, they put aou a sunburn cream called "HIGH NOON".  It worked for all types of minor burns.  I can't find it anymore.

  7. yeah it worked fine for me

  8. It burns my skin.

  9. yeah its great and it feels very refreshing with it on and off. i lov it

  10. lol

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