
Did O'bamma become a "street organizer" just to get elected?

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It's a puzzling career path for someone with a law degree, unless they did it just to get some "street cred" in the blak district where he moved to, I mean that if he did it just to get elected, is that wrong?




  1. Absolutely. Much as he joined Trinity to cloak himself in "Christianity".

  2. Obama is very bad for our country. Who is he anyway? Is he a christian as he claims or a muslim as we believe him to be? Not that the religion of a presidential candidate matters however integrity does, if he is a muslim just come out and tell us and let us decide if we as the people you are supposed to serve want to elect you to the highest office of the world. Also if he cares for his fellow man than how come he's letting his half brother live in that rathole of a tent? I believe family comes first, if you can't take care of your family you want us to believe that you care about us????Please....americans are much smarter than that

  3. He did it because he needed some 'street cred', to be seen as 'black enough'...or to be seen as 'grass roots enough'...this was when he was running for senator. Of course now he doesn't want to be 'black'. or thought of in that way!

    He couldn't have run for president, if he had stayed in Corporate Law.

    How many corporate lawyers become presidents? (Or in his case: also ran?)

  4. He is so incompetent, he could not get hired without an "affirmative-action" hand-out. So he took to the streets where he found plenty of ignorant people, who mooch for a living. He became their leader!

    I can hardly wait for the movie to come out! (Total sarcasm, except for the part of him being incompetent, & needing affirmative action hand-outs. That was all serious & accurate.)

  5. Obama has been groomed by someone too corrupt to acknowledge how their plan worked.  The cover up of all the negatives on Obama is only possible because the Media has been bought and paid for by those that wish to subdue this country. Be it a foreign power or some radical group the back room actions of Obama supporters is troubling.

  6. He wanted to help people, something that President Kennedy advocated in her community service projects. I am proud of anyone that decides to put someone else's interest above their own.

  7. No, he had no way of knowing he would actually get elected.He could have gotten a high paying job almost anywhere, but decided he wanted to help those in need, and he did. I live in Chicago and despite what many say, I know he took his work seriously and was as polite as always is.

  8. I'm guessing it's because he was qualified to do anything else..

  9. No. He did it to help people. }{

  10. If Obama was only interested in his career, he wouldn't have wasted years helping nobodies in poor Chicago neighborhoods.  He would have interned with senior statesmen and kissed their butts like most career politicians.  Obama started as a "community organizer" because he's genuinely interested in helping people most in need of help.  Not welfare, mind you, but actually helping people to help themselves.

  11. he wanted to help people. How can you be so shallow?

    When you see how minorities and poor people suffer, you help them.  

  12. It was a community organizer, and I don't think that anyone undertakes that job "just to get elected".

    Lots of people play basketball too; in almost any park across the city that has a hoop - someone will be playing.

    They play maybe because they like to emulate some players, but they don't start playing "just to get into" the NBA/WNBA.  

    Many who are told they are real good & think it themselves may then strive with the hopes of being an NBA/WNBA player - but how many are ACTUALLY playing for the NBA/WNBA compared to the 10s of thousands of people who like to play.

    I personally know lots of community organizers...they are not doing this "just to get elected".  They want to awaken the dormant constituents to let them realize that they can exercise their right to choose & that as tax payers they have a right to make sure the chosen are held accountable for what they promise to do during their campaigns once in office.

  13. Community organizing is how ordinary people respond to out-of-touch politicians and their failed policies.

    It provides vital experience for working with firms down the line.  I can tell you that my most important piece of my resume is my community service with the Peace Corps.  Employers enjoy seeing that.

  14. You should do some basic research.  Obama worked as a community organizer just after he finished undergrad.  He left the job to go to Harvard.  


  15. Not at all! that just tells me that he's more in touch with the regular people, unlike McSame that is so detached from the economy.....the guy isn't even sure how many houses he owns.

  16. Why don't you try it? It is really the best way to give back to the community and learn so much about people. It is the perfect thing for a lawyer who graduate with such distinction to do.

    And, there are plenty of conservative community organizations - well at least there are some - so don't let that stop you.

    I think it is the perfect experience one requires for president.

  17.  You see, the path from editor of the Harvard Law Review (which is the most pretigious honor given by a law school in the U.S.) usually leads directly to a very high-paid job at one of the most prominent law firms in Manhattan.  From that job, he would meet all the high rollers, make the best connections, have the best resume, garner the most fundraising and political support, and pretty much assure his election to any position he set his sights on.

    If you had a burning ambition to be elected to public office, you would take that path.  Working with poor people who just lost their jobs, which assured that he would only finally pay off his student loans a few short years ago, would be the last path you would take.

    And BTW, Dr. King was a community organizer.  There's nothing wrong with it.

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