
Did OJ really do it?

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I wanna know. did he?




  1. There are three people that know for sure. Two of them are dead, and the other one (OJ himself) is not talking. My opinion: he did it.

  2. Is the pope Catholic?

  3. Of course

  4. Does the pope p**p in the woods? Er, make that "does a bear p**p in the woods..."

    yes he did it.

    The fact that the jury was too stupid to understand the complexity of DNA evidence, and the fact that O.J.'s 'peers' were all taken from downtown LA (where all of them had run-ins with the LAPD at one time or another), and given the fact that his attorneys successfully played the 'race card', well, he walked.

    He absolutely did it. Since the Feds didn't bother to go after him for violating the victim's 'civil rights', so  he walked. He now could stand up and freely admit he did it and the could not be tried again for the same crime.

  5. 100% guilty

  6. ...does the Bear "c**p" in the Woods.   Does the Sun come up in the East ?  ...Is the Pope Catholic ?

  7. HE DID!!!!!!

    He wore tiny tiny gloves and killed those two people and he smirks about it everyday.  He will rot in he!!.....He taunts the Goldman family constantly...he is slime

  8. I think so but can we just get over it? It's not like he's the first person who has gotten over our judicial system?

  9. Absolutely

  10. I do not wish to accuse anybody.

  11. Does a bear _ _ _ _ in the woods.

  12. yes im sure of it i never doubted it for a minute and when he wrote his book he may as well have said your right i killed them and laughed right in the justice systems face

  13. h**l yes.

  14. No, it was Lee Harvey Oswald. Everybody knows that.

  15. Not according to his jury, who sat through the entire trial, and heard all of the evidence.

  16. you would be stupid as h**l to think he didnt

  17. YES !!!!!!!!

  18. Yes he did.

  19. Yes he did and how sad for her family and his family and his poor kids.

  20. Does a bear $hit in the woods?  The man is guilty as sin and everyone -- even him -- knows it.

    This was one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in our country.

  21. Sure did, and now you know

  22. the magic 8 ball says

    "it is most certain"

  23. yes.


  25. of course he did it!

  26. Can we expire this question already?

  27. Duh, yes !!!!!

  28. Not.

    It was an organized and evil ethical story, and OJS is a well paid performing artist from it.

    Do you think the US public is so sleepy about murder issues, that somebody  can get along with ?

  29. yes, watched the trial thought it was a joke

  30. A jury of his peers said no, so......................................

  31. Did you really ask that question?
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