
Did Obama's latest speech finally clarify what Change means? MORE TAXES?

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Why tax anyone at all just for the sake of taxing them? What will anyone except government get out of it?




  1. No, Obama's plan reduces taxes for 90 to 95% of Americans.

  2. You obviously did not listen to his speech.  He talked only of tax-cuts for those under $125,000.  And the government taxes people to pay for education, police & fire protection, highways, and defense.  And how can anyone justify tax-cuts for the wealthy when we are spending 10 billion a month in Iraq and borrowing money from China which our children will have to pay for?  Can you say "greed'?

  3. I am in my sixth decade. I have watched the political conventions since I was 14. Every four years, for as long as I can remember, the Democrats make the same speeches that promise everything to everybody.Obama did the same last night. Says he will give tax breaks to 95 percent to the middle class and in the next sentence talks of the programs that will need tax increases from everyone to pay for. Look at his Senate Bill S2433 that gives over to the U.N. 846 billion of our tax dollars. He is writing checks he can't cash and his groupies believe it. It is history trying to repeat itself. It didn't work before, even less now. If you read his plan for the lifting the capital gains tax on small business, it in fact causes it to increase. He is a poorly trained, jive. flim flam, Chicago scam , Daily political machine, politican.

  4. I've been trying to say this for a while. Obama's change means bigger government.

  5. He talked about tax CUTS for nearly all American workers and lifting the capital gains tax for small businesses.

    You must have been listening to Hannity's commentary lol.

  6. Obama has outlined radical change at the same prices

    this is more Bull chit and it won't fly with the American voters

    who is going to believe Barack Obama ?? only the naive obama bots

    Democrats have no math skills

  7. Yeah, for millionaires.

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