
Did Obama Figure a Ticket without a White Male Would Appear Incompetent?

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Was he thinking it would be incompetent or appear incompetent?




  1. just wouldn't stand a chance in he*l of getting elected.....would YOU vote for two blacks or a black and a woman?

  2. And if Obama hadn't picked a white male, then you'd call him a racist....

    You know, why should anyone be shocked about how Repubicans are already bashing Obama's pick. You go on and on about how Obama isn't experienced enough, and isn't blue collar enough. Obama picks an old white guy with plenty of experience, who is pretty blue-collar, and you guys just have to go and find some dumb, invisible fault in it anyway.

    Right-wingers, you know that no matter who Obama chose, you're going to bash it, because you're that scared that Obama's gonna win and you can't stand the thought of Democrats winning. Stop the whining, it's really unflattering.

  3. if he picked a Black one ,i can imagine how you pathetic people would be bashing him  

  4. if it looks so incompetent then why is the right trying so hard to smear him?

  5. All I know is that the republicans are laughing their butts off right now.

  6. The Obama's just know their limitations....without a white,they have no chance of running the country

  7. Probably so, and Big Al is most likely stomping the daylights out

    of the carpet!

  8. I don't know that "incompetent" is appropriate. Politics is a complex chess game. Each decision these guys are making are methodical. Who else did he have to choose from? Senator Biden is the strongest VP to fill the gaps in an Obama campaign. Was he really going to choose a Hillary? As President Bush would say "I see Hillary there, rolling her eyes again." No one needs that in the White House. Bill is a loose cannon, and Senator Biden is the perfect choice to fill the role of what a VP is supposed to do.

  9. The bigger the smear campaign gets, the more desperate Obama's opponents appear.  And with this smear campaig in full swing, If anything true was found, the voters would just think it was another lie or half truth,

  10. No.  He figured a ticket with Joe Biden would be unbeatable...

    2 pts.

  11. Most politicians are white males.  All of the presidential candidates were white males, with the exceptions of Obama and Hillary.

    The Senate has one African American and a handful of women and the nation's governors are mostly white males. If one wanted to choose someone other than a white male, the choices are very limited.  

  12. What does the color of the skin mean???? Do say there are no incompetent white guys?????come out of the 50's, 18&19, " somewhere it is written.....All men are created equal".....

  13. GEORGE W BUSH is white and has manage to take this contry under the ground last time i checked he is white i don't think oboma can do any worst you would think that if whites was so clever they can clearly see that GOD is dealing with the dirty deeds of America I never seen so many people leave office and get caught up in so much dirt than the bush ticket and they were white so if thats whats you think then more power to you it was blacks that built the houses ,cook the foods for whites and created a lot of enventions whites stole from them and created wealth with their idea's do you really think GOD is going to let that stand no its already coming look around you pay attention the whole world is receiving oboma while hating bush its even reported the whites will no longer be the majority in america this it ,the time has come for reaping and its time to pray not bash there good whites and blacks this is no time for it !!!

  14. He's just trying convetional wisdom before the wisdom of the convention.

  15. The only person that knows the answer to your question is Obama.

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