
Did Obama admit to Oreilly that the surge worked?

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After all his lone ranger I'm right and everyone is wrong about the military surge in Iraq was wrong and would never work, actually ended up in some sort of admission he was wrong on the Oreilly interview? Did anyone catch this or was I seeing and hearing things?




  1. did mccain at last admit that he was the front man in spewing the wmd stuff about iraq?

    if not i can happily place a youtube link of him telling more than one talk show host he knew for certain that iraq had wmds

    come on we can play this game all day long.

  2. Is McCain now going with Change over his experience in Washington.

  3. NO, he stated that there was success in that deaths are down, but that there is still the underlying problem because the Iraqi's still are not taking charge of their own affairs. So how is it a success if we are still trapped over there taking care of them, and spending billions of our own money that we need to help our OWN country?? The whole point is to get us out of there. I see we're still there!  

  4. yes he did.

    american voters are free to challenge anybody's judgement whent hey want too.

  5. You need to broaden your news sources.  Obama has been saying for weeks that the surge was one of the reasons for the improvements in Iraq. However, McCain wants to claim it was the genesis of change and the only significant factor, which is not at all true.

  6. He did everything possible not to admit that the infallible messiah could have ever made ANY kind of error. I'm not sure which one of those two idiots actually have the bigger head!

    McCain/Palin '08  

  7. isn't having a working surge in a war that didn't need to be fought something like getting viagra after the hospital mistakingly cuts off your balls

  8. Why can't he change his mind? Is he made out of cement or something.

    McCain changed his mind 10 times in two weeks or should we say flip-flopped:

  9. I think it was very hard for him to admit.

  10. yes i caught it to along all of his stutterings

    idk im for mccain/palin 08  

  11. No ,he did not admit this. If you watched the analysts talk afterward, and watched him speak carefully, he actually REFUSED to admit he was wrong, even partially. Until today after he got fed what he should have said. He is a puppet and I am afraid he is a puppet for the Muslims who want to kill anyone who is not a Muslim. He is very scarey and I can't trust him.

  12. Yes, he did concede that it did work ..........but, then he followed up with it was by a miracle.  This, to try to cover his own personal ignorance and place other Americans in with him.  The difference, he is running for President, not the others.  He makes bad judgments.

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