
Did Obama fail the 3 AM call test?

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When Russia invaded Iraq, McCain immediately made a statement, and it is still the same today.

When Obama immediately made a statement, he said, in effect, "we should just all calm down." Then Obama called the UN. (kind of funny because Russia is a member with veto power, so cannot expect much there) and shortly thereafter he released another statement that we more to the effect of "Russia should stop doing what their doing." Then many hours later he released yet another statement which was much more forcefull. That is good. In the end, his statement matched John McCain's, but it took him an absurd amount of time to finally come to that conclusion.

Sleep well....

So what is your opinion, pass or fail?




  1. I think John McCain has more access to the facts the president has than Obama does.  

  2. It wasn't his call...Nor was it McCain's call...

  3. It could be due to the fact that Obama is on vacation at the moment. I live in Hawaii and he got here the day before Russia invaded Georgia. It's been all over the news here. Just speculation.  

  4. If you want to be at war for ever, vote for McCain

    If you want to live in peace vote for Obama

    I would not want a President who makes decisions too fast, and wrong for the long term.

    Republicans love to boast how well they can fight a war, a vote for Obama and you win before you start, because you don't start the war.    

  5. he failed. but if he where in office he would have been able to Call Pres Bush to find out what to do.

  6. He failed it miserably.  He gave a cut and paste answer compared to McCain's answer with solutions and actions.  Obama came out 'later' and added to it, but that's why they call it the 3am moment -- action, not just words.

  7. He failed miserably! This shows how inexperienced he is and should be a wake up call.  

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