
Did Obama kiss a blond?

by Guest57956  |  earlier

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someone told me that while watching him at the convention(i think it was there.) she saw Obama kiss a blond chick on stage, in front of his wife.

is that true?




  1. Yeah I'm sure she had executive experience too...LMAO!

  2. Obama made his speech accepting the nomination at the Denver football stadium.  It was quite a scene!  After the speech he walked along the velvet rope, shaking hands with people, like all candidates do.  I noticed that all the men wanted to shake his hand but all the women wanted a kiss.  They were not passionate kisses with tongue and all that, just friendly kisses on the cheek.  He must have kissed 15 or 20 women that I saw.

    I'd never seen anything like that.  Tonight I watched McCain as he shook hands after his speech and nobody kissed him.  8^<

  3. I highly doubt it. That Michelle Obama is a HARD woman. There would have been a cat fight of major proportions right on the stage. Why do you think Obama wasnt allowed to pick Hillary? Michelle told him "You aint a hangin out with that white *****!"

  4. LOL yeah.He kissed Joe Biden's wife, Jill,right on the lips. It wasn't long. It was just a quick kiss on the lips. The first time he kissed her was when he and Biden campaigned together the first time in Springfield,Illinois. I think it's funny,weird,and cute

  5. Wow did he ever. He laid a big smooch on Biden's wife.

    We have come a long way in this country when a black guy can kiss a white woman and it is not a scandal. What a country.

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