
Did Obama make a good choice in Biden for a running mate?

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I'm just curious if anyone else thinks his chance at the Presidency would've been better if he had Hillary Clinton as a VP. Though I guess that would've screwed him too, since Hillary will NEVER sit second chair because it's just not her nature. I also wonder who would be John McCain's best pick to maximize his chances?




  1. I think Obama could likely outrace either Biden or Hillary, so both would make sense as a running mate. Biden would likely lead to a more exciting race, I'd imagine, while Hillary's gender is likely more compatible from the mate standpoint.

    John McCain should probably pick Mitt Romney, but I expect Mitt can outrace him. I'm not sure McCain is going to be able to outrace a lot of people, so he needs somebody nice like Mitt Romney who will probably play along and not just sprint to the finish on his own.

  2. Repost this in the politics section you'll get better answers.

  3. I don't know.  Is Biden more a Marathon runner or a sprinter?  Don't forget to tell him to stretch before the race.  Stretching is very important.

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