
Did Obama make the right choice for vp or did McCain make the right choice?

by Guest57502  |  earlier

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  1. I think McCain's choice was a bold move!

    Obama's proves that he is really not as much about "change" as he would have us believe--Biden is the typical ultra-lib!

  2. Obama choose a Washington insider who has help keep Congress in gridlock for years.

    McCain choose a Washington outsider who could bring hope of change to the gridlock in Congress

  3. ...They both did. How can we know whether or not it's the right choice until one or the other becomes president?

  4. mccain did

    biden is old school same old same old joke


  5. Obama made a better choice than McCain.

  6. I seriously doubt that Obama made his own choice for VP himself and I base that on the statements made by Biden a short while back. I think it's more likely that McCain did choose his but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't. Either way I think the choosing of Palin was the better of the two.

  7. McCain

  8. Obama made a safe choice for his vice president. Some people have criticized him on playing it too safe by picking Biden after running a campaign based on change. I think Biden was chosen because he's reliable, intelligent, and he's kept his hands pretty clean (unlike a certain Mr. Edwards).

    McCain, however, made a very curious choice for his VP. I've heard that he chose a woman in the hopes to cash in on the Clinton vs Obama hostility. A female VP could attract female voters that had wanted Clinton for pres, but Governor Sarah Palin was a confusing pick. She strongly identifies with neo-conservatives and is anti-abortion, which would alienate her from most feminist voters. Also, Alaska has been involved in a lot of corruption over the last 20 years(most recently Senator Ted Stevens received a federal indictment on corruption charges on July 29th, 2008), so her integrity as an official is going to be put into question.

    Honestly, their choices for VP will probably not affect the voters. The people who wanted to vote for McCain will not change their minds for Biden, and anyone who wanted to vote for Obama wouldn't touch Palin with a 20 ft pole.

  9. Obama mccains is pretty risky

  10. the ONLY reason mcCain chose a female as a VP was because he sees the massive support for Obama and thinks that by doing so will draw support from those who supported Hilary to be president.

  11. McCain did.  Palin is a Splendid choice and she will make a Wonderful VP (and future President)! It just goes to show that McCain is a true maverick & genius who picks likewise!


    * has the record of the most beloved Governor in the US by her state (Alaska)

    * is a vocal, huge proponent of American energy independence & Alaskan drilling

    * has actually been leading people for the past several while Obama & Biden NEVER have led anyone!

    * shelved her state's pork-laden Bridge to Nowhere that McCain has ridiculed on the trail

    * will join McCain in fighting hard against earmarks

    * is about as far outside the Beltway as you can get

    * ran on the agenda of stopping wasteful gov't spending

    * is the mother of 5 kids!

    * has had her son deploy to Iraq

    * is for a strong US defense

    * is an ice fisherman

    * is a moose hunter

    * is a small business owner and a lifetime NRA member

    All in all, she's a truly fine leader, citizen and patriot - who truly represents Americana (Motherhood & Apple pie)!

    McCain/Palin '08


  12. I think they both did- Obama went with experience, and McCain went with not-Mormon. Everyone wins!

  13. McClone made the only choice that gives him a shred of a chance, and I don't think the ladies are buying it, so no.

  14. Obama

  15. McCain

    Look at what he picked

    She hunts moose

    She fishes

    TV Sports reporter, then City council for 4 years, then Mayor then for 4 years, now Governor for 2 years.

    She has an approval rate of over 80% as Governor, the highest in the USA.

    Mother of 5

    Oldest son in the US Army

    Youngest son born with Downs Syndrome, they knew and still had the child.

    She actually has visited the troops in Lanstuhl hospital in Germany.

    Her husband is a real man who has won the snowmobiler 2000-mile "Iron Dog" race. 4 times.

    Her husband is native American

    Sarah Palin is a great VP, a Governor, Guns, babies and Jesus what more could you want?

  16. McCain.  

  17. Don't know the answer to either one, Obama chose his vp possibly because of the man's past illnesses (pity factor) and McCain chose his vp to sway Hillary's supporters his way (using the lady factor). Pityful on both sides.

  18. I think Obama would have had a for sure win had he picked Hillary. However, I think his pride was too important, and did not want to prove that he needed Hillary's help. Now, I think McCain has it for sure.

  19. The answer depends on perspective.  If you believe that Obama is about change, then why would he select a career senator that has spent the last quarter century in the halls of Congress?  On the other hand, if you're weak on experience and long on rhetoric..maybe Biden was the right choice.  

    McCain is taking a risk with Palin...but overall I think she will prove to be a most worthy adversary for the Democrats.  She's already proven that in Alaska.

  20. McCain did.. I'm pleased he actually picked a conservative with executive experience

  21. Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies -- that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same."

    If John McCain thought that choosing Sarah Palin would attract Hillary Clinton voters, he is badly mistaken.

    The only similarity between her and Hillary Clinton is that they are both women. On the issues, they could not be further apart

  22. Obama did, look at what McCain chose...

    an airhead.

  23. McCain.  First take is it's a good choice.

    Also, tactically it's brilliant.  The Palin story is taking all the oxygen.  People will spend the holiday weekend talking about her rather than the change guy.

  24. Strangely Obama chose Washington experience to make up for his lack of experience, and McCain chose lack of Washington experience to make up for his background as a Washington insider.  I think that is interesting!  

  25. In my opinion, Obama made the right choice by picking someone with more experience in politics and knowledge of other countries.

    Mccain picked a woman that no one knows much about, and if something were to happen to John Mccain, would not be ready to be president.

  26. Both! McCain w ill win, Obama will lose--the right choice for both, IMHO

  27. McCain did,  Obama could have done much better.

  28. honestly, neither did.  as an Obama supporter, I think he would have done a better move if he chose Clinton as his running mate.  nevertheless, i'm still voting for Obama.

  29. McCain made a great choice. Obama brings no change to the platform with Biden.

  30. Boneheaded pick for Obama

    Smart pick for mcCain.

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