
Did Obama or McKain have to live in a ratty old house trailer, ever?

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When the pvc piple freeze, it just about tears the place up. Do they know about having to drop out of school when parents get laid off and you work at odd jobs and try to keep junkers running, year after year? Maybe Bill Clinton knows it is not very funny. America? Ain't nothing equal about things anymore. No way out buddy.




  1. McCain is how it is spelled. No, I am sure he did not live in a ratty old house trailer. Instead he lived in Vietnam for 7 years a POW where he was probably starved and beaten almost daily. I think he had it much worse than you. Stop your complaining and get an education, as you clearly so desperately need one.

  2. The name is spelt McCain. No I'm guessing they didn't. If you're so bad off why do you pay for internet connection when you could save money by not.  

  3. There's a way out.  But you're so embedded in your white trash, trailer park lifestyle that you'd rather just whine about not being supported by the government.  You could do something about your situation, but it might take hard work.  It's so much easier to sit around and complain.

  4. You vote for Obama and there's still a chance the sun's rays will penetrate through the dark clouds.

    Vote for McCain and you will turn America into the Dark Ages.

  5. Both have known hardship.

    McCain was a POW.

    Obama's father was poor when he lived in Kenya.

  6. McCain had to live in a hole in Vietnam for 7 years.  Strength of character allowed him to survive.  The same is true for all the people that live in house trailers today.  In America anyone can suceed if the have the tenacity to achieve.

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