
Did Obama really mean what he said?

by  |  earlier

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Just watching Obama on BBC He said anyone making $150,000 in America would be middle class and in some areas would be poor and he would not raise their tax's Did he not make a mistake? Could you not of said $150,025 and pick up a few votes?




  1. I am an Obama campaign worker and I try to keep track of

    everything he says, but things are just happening too fast for me now.

    My opinion is that...I am a poor Senior living on Social

    Security, so my thinking is that $150,000 would be somewhat high for middle class.  I don't understand your

    last sentence tho.  How can adding $25. pick up a few


    I'm going to guess what he's saying and that is that he

    does not intend to raise taxes on anyone at the present

    time, and then very cautiously and as needed in the future.  He is more of a person that wants to cut

    unnecessary government spending than to increase

    taxes to cover pork barrel programs.  

  2. Hey it could be worse. You might have had a female President.

  3. No politicians mean anything they just say what gets votes

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