
Did Obama seal his fate by picking Biden?

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I think the only way he could have won this election was by picking hillary as VP. He needs the hillary supporters to win this election, and several hillary supporters are saying they will vote mccain.




  1. Funny, that is exactly what I have been saying.

    Hillary (or another woman) was necessary to give

    the impression of a new progressive leadership.

    With old Beltway Joe, the 30 year veteran fat-cat,

    Obama has slit his own throat.

    Well, there goes my hopes for any positive change.

  2. No, but mccain sealed his fate when he "dated" a married bimbo and then dumped his faithful wife so he could marry a much younger, rich "trophy wife".

    After john has displayed a lack of integrity of that magnitude (then there was the now infamous "keating savings & loan scandal") there is no way any American with real values and integrity will vote for him.

  3. Several,  you got that right and that's about it.  

    Meanwhile, Biden will help Obama with the independents he will need to win in November.  If you do a little research you will find that the main reason Hillary was not considered is because Hillary performed pretty badly with independents and polling indicated that Obama would lose far more independent votes if he chose her than he would gain in disaffected Hillary votes.

    Biden brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the ticket and is a tough guy that isn't afraid to go toe to toe with anyone.  I think he is an excellent choice.  By the look of the superficial and silly attacks on Biden made by those opposed to Obama, the fear in their eyes is apparent  :)

  4. Yes, he was undone by his "superior judgement".

  5. like rush we all prayed for him to pick joe the looser. yup sealed it he did

  6. Yep, he's the next POTUS for sure now.

    Obama/Biden '08

  7. Yes he did.  He sealed his fate to become the next President of the United States.  Brilliant move.

  8. McCain must unseal the Countries fate and win.

  9. Braq sealed his fate when he stood by and watched Reginald Denny get attacked in Compton

  10. As if I needed another reason to vote agains B. Hussein Obama.

  11. Yes. It's another example of Liberal hypocrisy.

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