
Did Obama shoot himself in the foot again?

by Guest64346  |  earlier

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From the plagiarism scandal to gaffes-galore Joe Biden is a liability to the Democratic ticket, but is this enough to turn the election into a rout for McCain?




  1. So if d**k Chaney went with Bush hunting! Would Bush of been shoot by d**k Chaney?  

  2. No, no it's not.

  3. welcome to the world of the jacobins.

  4. lol  

    McCain's going to get stomped.  

  5. McCain will be routed alright.

  6. Biden has a lot of respect from Democrats and Republicans alike and labor unions and the intelligence community and foriegn emmisaries.

    Biden's plagiarism issues are as old as McCain's Keating 5 scandal... and personally, I think a presidential candidate's relation to a savings and loan scandal (that put people in jail) is a lot more serious than lifting campaign speeches from a British politician...  Either way, people don't care anymore.  And McCain's (and Bush's) gaffes have not stopped his rise into his position.  I think you are thinking too optimistically.

    Obama did not shoot himself at all with this pick.

  7. You are displaying wishful thinking.  Biden is a major asset to the ticket.  He gives it the experience you folks were claiming it lacked previously.  He is a fine campaigner and a genuine guy that connects well with people, especially traditional Democrats.  Superficial criticisms about long ago and things said in the recent primaries are mighty small things to base a dismissal of a man of Biden's credentials as a liability.  If you were capable of seeing reality without the partisan filter you wouldn't be posting this kind of nonsense.

  8. plagerism is a scandal now and so are gaffes?  My god, you better make sure you change the GOP ticket if that is the case.  McCain completely plagerized Solzenitsen's book, Gulag Archipeligo when he was talking to the Saddleback church about the soldier making a cross in the dirt and then wiping it out.  And, what about the fact he doesn't even remember how many houses he owns.  Geesuz.

  9. The plagarism issue has been thoroughly disputed. Gaffes make him real...he is honest to a fault and has an impeccible record of service, a compelling life, and he is completely scandal free. It will be difficult for Republicans to find someone who has his credentials and his character.

  10. The Obamanuts naturally will excuse anything Obama bin biden says or does, but Bidens 'gaffes', if you call claiming you have a high IQ and finished in the top half of your class when in fact you were 76th out of 85 a gaffe, aren't exactly going to pile on the votes.  Dissing Hillary's faithfull was Barrys real mistake.

  11. Eh, I think everyone in the world except you and hillary are over the "plagarism" thing...nobody cares, since every politician (including McCain and Clinton) have speech writers...Hillary had made the assertion that Obama was an exception because his speeches were so good.  The "change you can xerox" comment at the debate actually got booed by the audience.

    There have been plenty of gaffes to go around, I think the only one that has really stuck for Obama has been the clinging to guns and religion thing.  The "check with my staff to see how many houses I have" gaffe will haunt McCain for a while.

    I don't particularly care for Biden, but McCain is quaking in his boots for good reason.  Biden can go after McCain very aggressively, and he's good at it...meanwhile, Obama gets to keep himself out of the mud.  McCain's days of free passes on the ridiculous negative ads are done.  Biden also has foreign policy experience galore...he was an excellent choice.

  12. He couldn't have done any worse choosing Howard "Yee Haw" Dean.

  13. The United States Senate Select Committee on Ethics initiated preliminary inquiries into allegations of misconduct by Senator Alan Cranston, Senator Dennis DeConcini, Senator John Glenn, Senator John McCain, and Senator Donald Riegle, in connection with their actions on behalf of Charles H. Keating Jr. and Lincoln Savings and Loan Association. In the course of its preliminary inquiries, the committee held hearings over a two-month period which began Nov. 15, 1990.

    Senator McCain

    Based on the evidence available to it, the committee has given consideration to Senator McCain's actions on behalf of Lincoln Savings and Loan Association. The committee concludes that Senator McCain's actions were not improper nor attended with gross negligence and did not reach the level of requiring institutional action against him. The committee finds that Senator McCain took no further action after the April 9, 1987, meeting when he learned of the criminal referral.

    Senator McCain has violated no law of the United States or specific Rule of the United States Senate; therefore, the committee concludes that no further action is warranted with respect to Senator McCain on the matters investigated during the preliminary inquiry.

  14. Haven't you been through the election process before?

    Look up "swift boating."

  15. It appears that Biden has Tourettes Disorder which causes him to blurt out inappropriate words and phrases at any time.

    Words like "I'm smarter than you", and "Obama America"

    Liberal Writer Saw Biden as a Disaster Last Year

  16. let's hope obama wins over mccain.. help him out by voting for him on this page!

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