
Did Oprah Winfrey betrayed woman by supporting Obama? Does she cares more about race than s*x?

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Did Oprah Winfrey betrayed woman by supporting Obama? Does she cares more about race than s*x?




  1. No. She went with what she believes. Nothing wrong with that. Just because Hilary Clinton is a woman who is running for president does not mean I will vote for her, you have to look at her stance on certain issues.

  2. Oprah is an individual who has her own beliefs, and stands for what she wants. Just because she is a woman it does not mean that she has the same beliefs as all women.

  3. NO, she exercised her right as a human to rally behind who she supported, I support Obama, using your logic that would make me a betrayer of my race and gender!!!

  4. She voted for the candidate she prefered.  As everyone should do in an election.  Race and gender shouldn't come into it for any sensible person.

  5. Give me a break. Is it so inconceivable that she chose to support Obama because she prefers his stance on the issues that are important to her? It sickens me that people seem to be blind to any aspect of either of these people aside from s*x and race, as if those are the only things that matter.

  6. Maybe she just likes what Obama stands for?  So much emphasis is being put on which minority each candidate belongs to, rather than the issues themselves.  All of the attention being paid to which minority they belong to adds to discrimination.

  7. Her support of Barack Obama may have had less to do with race than most people believe. Hillary Clinton is and always has been, a polarizing figure. So far, Obama hasn't shown himself that way. She might have figured that he has a better chance of winning and so that's why she decided to throw her considerable support behind him.

  8. lol...yeah...

  9. If i was a black woman, i would vote Obama for a change, to show the world that they should not discriminate us

  10. Hillary does NOT represent all women. Hillary Clinton represents herself and, to some extent, the Bill/Hillary political tag-team.

    Oprah was simply supporting the better candidate.

  11. So, the people who support McCain like him because he's a white man?

  12. Obviously.

  13. Why are people mad at her for supporting who she believes will be the next President of the United States? If that's who she wants to support, why does that make her racist? what actions has she conducted in the past that would constitute her as a racist?

  14. Its obvious ; she care much more about race than anything else ; don't tell me that Obama is the first candidate who would be a good president ; because I will never buy this theory or story

  15. She's black, what do you think.

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