
Did Palin's attack last night on Obama make anyone change their vote from Obama to McCain?

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Making fun of his work as a community organizer...when he had the decency to tell people to lay off of her family, this is payback?




  1. I don't buy the premis of your question, that she attacked him. She pointed out differences and did clarify that a community activist really has no responsibility to anyone so is not held acountable for what they do or don't do. And in his time in the Senate he hasn't written a single bill. Even when he was in the Illinois Senate he voted "present" more than yes or no. He's been careful during his short career to never establish a record that someone could attack.

  2. hon obama might have been a community organizer but is there any evidence he was a good one and its abt time obama called his hound dogs off even though we all know the usual story jackson, jz and the media do obamas dirty work for him and then as some1 else puts it obama comes out and says "oh but i weally wuv america so stop being so mean mean mean" meanwhile donating more to the ad campaigns of these very people. palin didn't critize michelle or obamas kids so her kids are entitled to the same privacy  

  3. ha,ha, Obama is running out of money.

  4. Nobody, but nobody would admit to that.

    She stirred things up, planted seeds and has many more arenas where she must prove herself before any outspoken Obama supporter would acknowledge her appeal.  

  5. No way. Palin will never make me think differently. In fact, when she talks I think less and less of their ticket and any thought I had of voting for Republicans (I am a registered one) goes out the door.

  6. I admit the community organizer zinger sounded a bit harsh, but her comment doesn't exist in a vacuum.  It was in reference/rebuttal to Obama spokesman Bill Burton's denigrating comment on her being the mayor of a town of only 9,000 people.  I don't think that she was belittling community organizers or community service in general.

  7. The purpose of her speech, and the whole Republican convention in general, is not to changes peoples minds.  Obama has about 50% of Americans locked up.  McCain has about 45%.  The battle now is for those few remaining undecided voters who will make all the difference.  Many of these voters don't actually make up their minds until election day.

    A secondary purpose of Palin's speech was to energize the GOP's base, which are the Christian Right.  Because they are Christians and all close to God and all, they love to hear lies and distortions that prove them right. 8^)

  8. No.  Don't you mean from McCain to Obama?  I could see people switching their votes from McCain to Obama because of the McCain/Palin low road campaign.  Obama/Biden continue to travel the road least traveled, which is the high road.  Obama went out of his way to denounce these attacks on Palin's family.  Then Palin negatively attacks Obama.  And she has the nerve to say that she is not a Washington style politician.  Liar!  And here are more lies!

    Her and Giuliani should be ashamed of themselves for mocking Obama being a community organizer.  Are they out of touch?  Yes, they sure are!

  9. Yes, her attacks were petty and a bit "low", but she was just reading what was put in front of her.

    I strongly urge people to read this piece -> , written by a homemaker in Wasilla who has known Palin since '92.  It gives valuable insight into who Palin really is, rather than just all the spin that both sides are throwing at us.

  10. what exactly does a C/O do?  is that like jessie jackson?  It means nothing! she was just pointing that out.-- when someone uses that as their resume`,It is funny!-----  he just came out with the lay off the family thing ,to help protect himself  (like his brother who lives in proverty and his big mouth wife) .--- Why are you attacking Palin?

  11. I think it went both ways, but basically reaffirmed people's original stands. The  raise in McCain's ratings, will go down because they both have a lot of skeletons in their closet.

  12. She just reaffirmed my decision to vote for Obama/ Biden in November. Palin's speech was false statement after attack after false statement.It was a speech to nowhere...

    It was a Speech to Nowhere when Palin said that "I told the Congress 'Thanks but no thanks' on that Bridge to Nowhere," because that was a lie, and the worst kind of lie in American politics, a blatant falsehood that showed utter contempt for the American people that Palin pledged to serve, assuming we are too stupid to look up or know that truth, that she pushed for those funds in Congress and while she got great political mileage out of announcing that she was killing the project, she still has not returned the funds to American people.

        It was a Speech to Nowhere because Palin also boasted seconds before her lie of fighting against wasteful earmarks in Congress, even though she pushed for and accepted $27 million of such grants when she was mayor of Wasilla.

        It was a Speech to Nowhere because Palin said that "we've got lots" of oil and gas this country, and while one supposes that all depends upon what you definition of the words "lots" is, the production of oil in the United States has been irrevocably on the decline since 1970, and with her words she showed this nation that she and John McCain will perpetrate the dangerous myths that began with Ronald Reagan at his acceptance speech in 1980, that sunny optimism is the solution to all our energy woes, and not a posture that put energy research on a war footing, or requires moral leadership on conservation, mass transit, or any other common sense answers whatsoever.

        It was a Speech to Nowhere because Palin boasted that "I stood up to the special interests, and the lobbyists, and the Big Oil companies," and the audience cheered -- after eight brutal years of the same crowd's cheering two oilmen in the White House who fiddled while $4-a-gallon gas burned and while American men and women died in a needless war fought on top of an oilfield, and while lobbyist friends like Jack Abramoff and Ralph Reed got rich at the same time.

        It was a Speech to Nowhere because Palin had the nerve to talk at length about John McCain's "torturous interrogations" in the very same speech when she all but condoned the continuation of similar, abhorrent practices that have been directed for eight years by our own U.S. leaders, when she stated that Democrats are "worried that someone won't read them [terrorism suspects] their rights."

        It was a Speech to Nowhere because Palin belittled "community organizers" -- thousands of Americans who work long hours for little pay in some of the toughest neighborhoods, trying to assist the American Dream that even the poorest among us can pull themselves out of the muck with a helping hand. Palin and other GOP speakers have turned a noble job into a dirty word tonight -- shame on you! Listen to what CNN's Roland Martin said after Palin's speech was over.

    My two parents are sitting home in Houston, Texas and they are both community organizers and the GOP and Sarah Palin might have well have said "being community organizers doesn't matter" to my parents face. I'm disgusted. Community organizers keep people in their homes, keep their lights on, keep food in the fridge.

        It was a Speech to Nowhere because it made no mention of the men that Sarah Palin and John McCain are running to replace -- their names are d**k Cheney and George W. Bush, in case you've forgotten this week -- and no acknowledgment that as many 80 percent of Americans believe this country is on the wrong track, or that you can't solve a nation's problems when you deny they exist.

        It was a Speech to Nowhere because...well, I urge everyone to read the text, without Palin's sharp delivery or her adoring fans in the crowd and in the press box, and tell me where there is any kind of policy at all -- except for the short boilerplate passage on energy -- or any mention of the issues that concern everyday Americans, including the No. 1 issue of the economy. Show me the part where this "grand slam" of speech touches on how citizens can afford health care or sending their kids to college.

        But more than anything else, it was a Speech to Nowhere because for all the acclaim, the great bulk of it was devoted to one thing, and that is the one thing that millions of Americans are talking about in 2008 when we talk about "change" -- to the ugliest kind of "pit bull" politics, to use Palin's words, that tear down the other side with cheap ad hominem attacks, surrounded by a cloud of half-truths (uh, those "Greek columns"...did you actually even watch Obama's speech? Because there weren't any) and ridiculous innuendo about "parting the waters" which means nothing but fires up a big hockey rink full of Dittoheads. These kind of vicious attacks -- without having the grace to acknowledge that, despite some real differences on issues with Obama, that he has already accomplished  

  13. Since when is serving your community a bad thing?

    She's a part of the political machine as much as he is, yet ridicules his work with grass roots organizations.

    I am not a committed Obama supporter by any means, but she definitely turned me off with her half-truths and condescension.

  14. WHOA Nellie !  The Obama attack machine has been very busy and you should be getting worn down by now, but that crazy kool-aid just keeps ya'll going with more slander and insults than Michael Moore can come up with.  PLEASE don't forget that when Obama was a community organizer in Chicago, he was more busy running around with Rezko, a convicted felon and slumlord, working up a sweet deal for Barack and Michelle to move into a real nice mansion at a huge price decrease.  Did he do that for the Rezko tenants?  NO HE DID NOT.  Do you really want to call that decency?

  15. I'm sorry, but Obama is such a joke of a candidate.  There's only 2 reasons he's even in the contest......Bush and white guilt.

    It's still a long way to go, but Palin may just be the game changer.

  16. He did what he had to do... He knows about glass houses.

  17. You're supposed to attack credentials and political records.

    Becuase he publicly claimed he didn't support anyone attacking her daughter doesn't mean she's morally obligated to claim that Obama is the most qualified man in the world.

    By the way, she was responding to Obama's criticism of her time as mayor. That was fair.

    If she had made fun of the fact that his mom was 18 when she had Obama, that would have been payback.  

  18. I think that's what McCain wants from her - be the attack dog.

    And, nothing about issues such as the economy, health care, etc.

    Obama '08.

  19. Absolutely not. Obama will make a great president. I would NEVER vote for McCain for any reason.  

  20. No.  

    She came across as a hockey mother addressing parents.  Her speech lacked depth.  She is going to have to do better than last night if she wants to compete with the big boys.  

  21. LOL!  Attack?  THe hypocrisy of you people is astounding!  She was responding to his attack!  

    Have you been paying attention this past week?  My goodness, you people are deluded!

  22. I don't care about her sarcasm.... but I have a problem with her running her mouth- distorting the facts about Obama's experience. He had passed 800 bills and he cosigned hundreds. He has worked on nuclear proliferation bills with Republicans. He was a community organizer in poor chigaco and he gave them a voice. He got 18 MILLION VOTES....AND he's educated and smart .

    That gun-totting, god-freak, hick had no right to go after Obama like that and belittle him. She better be didn't work for Hillary!

  23. Not mine. I contributed 50 more dollars to Obama campaign after the seech and left some blog comments on various blogs exposing Palin and the lies she made last night.

    Palin insulted all community organizers across America yesterday,,the volunteers who work for the common good unlike her who took campaign money from the same scam as Ted Stevens. So much for her 'reformer' image.

    All Palin is doing is bringing a shady 'ethics' aura to McCain ampaign.

    Perhaps she should go back home and take care of her special needs child and her pregnant 17 year old and leave the politics to women like Hillary who actually know politics and  that a convention speech is not a lying contest.

    She should also start to practice what she preaches for other people's kids: namely abstinence only s*x education for her OWN KIDS!

  24. You're soo right.

    No, it confirmed how much I can't wait to cast my vote for Obama in November.

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