
Did Palin's speech seem snarky and student council like to you?

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Did Palin's speech seem snarky and student council like to you?




  1. No, I thought she did a great job. She addressed the very people who will vote on Nov.4.

    Real people not snot nosed kids, or over blown candidates who is a LOOK AT ME guy.

  2. Yes, "student council" is a perfect way of putting it. She is not strong like Hillary.  

  3. amateur is the word your looking for and yes it was

  4. No. It seemed sincere, well written, well delivered, and accurate.  

  5. like a high school redneck trying to be smart cutting down others and trying to be some one better then she is

  6. I could not agree more with The Wise One

    She just nailed it

    But as one of the commentators noted

    This was just a home run in the first innings

    She will also have to hold her own in one on one non scripted events

    She seems very comfortable and in command

    But so does Obama until the teleprompter shuts off

  7. Student Council!  That's the term I was looking for!  exactly!

  8. Sounded more like a small town Pep Rally !

  9. Snarky school-yard bully humor....that is exactly how it came across. She used personal attacts while only skiming the surface of the issues.

  10. no.

  11. No

    Palin hit a GRAND SLAM OUT OF THE PARK & just won McCain the presidency!  

    Now I see why the liberals are running so scared and trying to tell falsehoods - even though they are just trying to attack Palin's kids!

    Palin  particularly did a great job in exposing Obama  for the empty-suit fraud he is!


  12. She even makes her "snarky face" - scrunched up nose and bared teeth like an angry gopher. Or is that her "Sarah Barracuda" face? No matter, the Dem's aren't crying, just calling a snark a snark. She's so hypocritical... she's Tracy Flick (see the movie Election) with s*x-appeal (to John McCain anyway) Her speech was filled with untruths and bald-faced lies.  

  13. you hit it on the nail

    very childish

  14. Absolutely!

  15. Thought i was listening to a PTA meeting.

  16. Not really. She rebutted every point Obama had in his favor. I fail to see how addressing your opponent and his stances is snarky.  

  17. Wow...  The libtards are out on Y/A tonight...

    Sarah hit a home run tonight...  She earned my vote.

  18. LOL


    Yes, it did.

  19. I am just sad that she is a Weekly Standard/AEI  Zionist.  McCain will make Bush look like Mahatma Ghandi.  If human life has value, why is Palin going to be anyone's answer to anything?

  20. Yes, very much. I'm sure the speech was written for her, but her voice, timing, and facial expressions sure sent it over the top in snarkiness and sarcasm. And she came across to me as a lightweight, I had the same thought as you, like she was running for high school class president or something like that. Have been disappointed not to find much commentary that says this, with the pundits mostly saying it was "a grand slam." That sure isn't what I saw.

  21. You're kidding, right?  After what she's been through since she hit the spotlight, Sarah Palin just PROVED that she can take a punch AND deliver one.  Cry baby's, CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    McCain / Palin 08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Oh wow, you guys are just freaking out.

    Apparently all the dems here think that if they say her speech sucked enough people will forget that they actually WATCHED her make an amazing speech! It's sad really. =)

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