
Did Palin catch a break with such an old geezer like Ole McCoot McCain?

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Did Palin catch a break with such an old geezer like Ole McCoot McCain?




  1. Sure it helps when you have an out of touch old man to take advantage of.

  2. you really dont have a personal life do you?

  3. Lets see, how many different ways could I use Mc.

    McSame, McCoot, McCunt, McBush...


  4. I have seen sexless old men when they get around sweet young things in the work place.  - - - Yes, a 43 year old MILF is a sweet young thing for Mummy McCain. LMAO!

  5. Palin definitely got a break with the geezer.  She can overpower him as she did when she was being introduced.  She took over the podium.  Her hands and arms were outstretched and she hardly even looked at him.  She will control the whole thing and if something happens to him she will be ecstatic.  She would become the first American female President.  She is very close to the mark.  How dangerous would that be.  

  6. It'd be hard to say who got lucky with who, I'd say if it was anybody getting lucky it'd be McCain.

  7. MCCain 0

    Obama 1

    Its over.

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