
Did Palin just take the Styrofoam pillars and shove them up Obamas..@ $?

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the demigod Obama with his pillars and make believe presidential seal is feeling a little violated I think




  1. She pimp-slapped Obama!  Good for her!

  2. @$$ fixated Doogie?  

  3. Do you mean the Palin who LIED about opposing the bridge to nowhere (she lobbied for it) and who LIED about her son's deployment date?

    Eight is enough.

  4. That was awesome.  She was totally on fire tonight and showed the democrats what going up against her will truly be like.


  5. yes she did!  yes she did!  lol.

  6. no she just made 18 million enemies.

  7. Hellz YEAH!

  8. Yes!  Palin hit a GRAND SLAM OUT OF THE PARK & just won McCain the presidency!  

    Now I see why the liberals are running so scared and trying to tell falsehoods - even though they are just trying to attack Palin's kids!

    Palin  particularly did a great job in exposing Obama  for the empty-suit fraud he is!


  9. Yes..

    Obama has been exposed for the fraud he is.. But dont expect too many thumbs up here..

  10. Well it is putting a perspective on who is in touch with the American people.  Limo liberals are really taking themselves too seriously.

  11. i actually laughed out loud. HEE

  12. No not Obama, but poor Mrs. Palin, has just stuck her head up McCains brown hole.   She is just now realizing the stench.   Hopefully, she cracks the whip on McCain.

  13. She looked great and spoke great.

    Her  family looked fantastic.

    She addressed issues and handled the adversities really well.

  14. Ummm, I believe she did and very well I might add!

  15. Yes, and it was fantastic to watch!

  16. Ya , not bad.

  17. Did 5 of the Alaskan delegates just vote for Ron Paul?  OMG??!!!  Wow, wake up America, even her delegation knows she can't be trusted....

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