
Did Palin let her teenage daughter get pregnant to pander for the ghetto votes?

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Did Palin let her teenage daughter get pregnant to pander for the ghetto votes?




  1. Teens will be teens no matter what. That is just rude to say such a thing.

  2. that's incredibly insensitive and stupid.

  3. well Ike you've really stepped into a pile here

    Obama supporters can only hope that their campaign donations aren't paying you for your "help"

  4. No. She wouldn't do that even though she isn't a good parent.

  5. My guess is that when they try the shotgun wedding route Levi Johnson is going to spill the beans and admit that Bristol is NOT currently pregnant but he IS the father of Trigg (assuming he does not get disappeared)

    I would bet that they fabricated the story about Bristol being pregnant for the gullable to believe she wasnt pregnant with Trig.... also my belief is that Bristol is mysteriously going to have a "miscarriage" OR deliver a premie which is a sign of getting pregnant right after delivering a baby

    Sarah Palin gets FAT when pregnant - video

    "party girl" Bristol Palin photo

    fully vetted 1/2 dressed

    Isn't it ODD there is No Trigg - No Sarah - No Bristol listed at the hospitals website announcing births?

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