
Did Palin make the mainstream media mad?

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When I see the stories today its clear they are out to get this woman. Was it her comment about not going to washington to please them? For example:

McClatchey newspapers is saying she never made an executive decision regarding the nation guard - yet she told the general in charge he was in charge and to not worry about consulting her with everything. Sounds like a red tape cuter to me.

The AP notes she asked for more earmarks per person then any other governor; but yet she asked for 1/5th of the earmarks of Obama; and she asked for 60% less earmarks then her predecessor meaning she did ask for less. Why did they leave that out of the article?




  1. Clearly, but people are starting to realize the "mainstream" media isn't so mainstream.

  2. The mainstream TV women are having a fit over her.  Why??  She has done everything the feminist have told women to do EXCEPT get an abortion. You go, girl.  

  3. That's funny, because a lot of the articles I've read today are applauding her for giving a well-presented, inspiring speech.

    However, I really wish that Palin would address the scandal going on in Alaska about trying to fire her ex-brother-in-law.

  4. The "mainstream" media is not so mainstream, they are in bed with every democrat politician in the country

    McCain For President

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