
Did Palin say birth control kills babies?

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No condoms either?




  1. Source?

    Obama supported the killing of babies in failed abortions.  

  2. Sure did!

    CNN search

  3. She did, and also belongs to an international group against birth control.

  4. That's a lie

  5. Source please, else you are just lying again.

  6. No my friend just another Lie, But the Catholic church does say so. Maybe you got confused.

  7. Yeah, but she can kill a moose with her bare hands!

  8. As we see from Bristol Palin's pregnancy at 17 and her upcoming shotgun wedding, "abstinence" will move the anti-choice, anti-birth-control lobby to world domination by the increase in population through accidental teen births.

  9. Yes, I read that the FFL Organization is not just anti-abortion, but also believes that any prescribed birth control pill is harmful to a fertilized egg and constitutes abortion.  She only believes in the old-fashioned "Rhythm Method".  So what the heck are pre-menopausal women supposed to do in order to even out horrendously long-lasting, unpredictible and painful menstrual cycles?  Often the pill is not used to prevent pregnancies - it is also used to restore and maintain regular menstrual cycles.

    If this is true about her, then I say BAH HUMBUG to Palin.

  10. No, not true!

    The issue of birth control is always an issue with today's teenagers.  Your question is a perfect example!  You must be a teenager.

    This will control the population of teen pregnancies.  It is about time that we control the amount of teens having babies at such a young age, mass producing like it's going out of style.  If teens remain ABSTINENT until their are ready for marriage, then we would not be facing such a high rate of teen pregnancy in our country.

    ABSTINENCE is the key!  Teenagers hate to hear that, but, it's the truth.  When they have to face a girlfriend who is pregnant, and they have so much of life ahead of them, then they wish they didn't jump in the back seat so quickly.  However, by then, it is too late!  Listen, learn, and respect your parents wishes!

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