
Did Pat Robertson wow you liberal thinkers about the lord warning him about global warming?

by Guest64590  |  earlier

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Have you reassessed all his warnings about God will punish us because of g**s and all. That’s what Al Gore says global warming too and he failed bible college.

Consensus science and consensus religious beliefs. There doesn’t appear to be much difference if are desperate to believe something.




  1. No but the big "G" did warn me about all those top billings listed by (Tuba).

  2. I'm not a liberal thinker, but we seem to have a lot of high profile celebrities like Al Gore and Pat Robertson, Newt Gingrich and Michael Moore, George Bush and the Pope joining the scientific community in a rare show of consensus.  Then there are the ones such as yourself, unknown outside of a limited circle of acquaintances, just out there wandering in the woods without a clue.

  3. Wait, what?

  4. I believe in God, but I didn't need him to tell me to do what is obviously so right. Clean the planet. Why do you deniers have a problem with a clean planet?

  5. How could 'Pat Robertson' and 'liberal thinkers' have ended up on the same page about anything?  

    I think those being punished will be the ones who judge others.  According to the Bible, 'Judge not others, or you will be judged by equal measure', an approximate quote.  Oooh, was that a wake-up call for PR?

  6. I don't need the lord to tell me that climate warming is happening.

  7. To most skeptics the lord IS or causes

    Global Warming

    explains this in detail

  8. John, do you want a serious answer here?  Your reference to Gore, and the "wow" thing makes me think otherwise.

    No, Robertson didn't "wow" me.

    I'm not desperate to believe.  It just seems prudent.

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