
Did p**n Actress Brett Rossi Take Money from Charlie Sheen To Keep Quite

by Guest32822  |  9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Did p**n Actress Brett Rossi Take Money from Charlie Sheen To Keep Quite?  Did Charlie Sheen Sleep With p**n Actress Brett Rossi?  If she knew he had HIV, did she not come out because she is a decent person or did Benjamin forced her to stay silent.The actor took his anger further reminding everyone in a second message the scene in which his father, actor Martin Sheen, kills Colonel Kurtz (Marlon Brando ) in the classic film Apocalypse now! In his tweet last year he said, he was going to take his girlfriend, p**n actress Brett Rossi, on a trip to Europe. Since they have had relationship and have spent time together, i would be interested to see what Brett Rossi's take is on this whole Charlie Sheen's HIV thing.  What Charlie Sheen will do this ChristmasThis coming Christmas is going to be different for Charlie Sheen. For the first time in 4 years, the world knows the personal ordeal he has been living with. He announced, he has been living with HIV for the last few years and has been paying people off to keep it a secret. Now that everyone knows, will they change, will he change, will his ex-wives let him see his children? Time will tell but whatever happens, i bet it will be public drama. Not the end for money grabbing from Charlie sheen.Now the world will run to sue him, oh, you did not tell us, i could be dead are the type of things other money grabbing girls will say. Let's see what happens.  

 Tags: actress, Brett, Charlie, money, porn, Rossi, sheen


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