
Did Prince Phillip father any other children born before he married the Queen? sure?

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Did Prince Phillip father any other children born before he married the Queen? sure?




  1. Why would it matter if he had, they weren't married so basically he was a free agent, it would be somewhat different if he had fathered a child with someone other than the Queen after he was married. A not unheard of fact within Royalty of old.

  2. Probably loads. But he payed them all off not to say anything with the promise of regular payments until the children reached 18.

  3. I really don't think so.

  4. I had best not answer this question or I might be sent to the Tower Of London charged with treason and that would be a shame as I've just done my hair> Lol

  5. I doubt that he did but couldn't say for sure anymore than I can say you haven't fathered 10 children by 10 different women ;)

    You also have to remember that years ago, morals were important  to most people when they married and especially to the Royalty.  

    What a shame that morals have hit the gutter like they have today.  How sad that so many kids will never know their father and/or mother ~ what a mess genealogy is today.

  6. It isn't any of our business is it Georgio. No one has come out of the woodwork claiming to be his off-spring have they?

  7. No. I am fairly certain that there are none or they would have tried to gain the attention of the media by now.

  8. I don't know (obviously).  I don't think we can assume though that any would have come out of the woodwork.  A further question would be has he fathered any children born AFTER he married the Queen?  It seems to me to be a fairly open secret that he's not been the most faithful husband.........

  9. Yes. His mistress during the 1950s, Eva Vestoff, gave birth to Phil the Greek's love child in 1956. The child was named originally named Hermes, but with the assistance of the Royals, the British Government and the Secret Service, the child was removed from Eva and brought up in seclusion.

    A completely false family history was created, with the child being given the name Rory Emerald. Eva Vestoff was given a s*x change operation and became a singer under the name of Sacha Distillery.

  10. Probably not. There are none that he acknowledges or have publicly accused him of being their father.

  11. What are you trying to do ...stir up dirt when there is none to stir. What an unnecessary question to even put before this panel of good people. Try one that is interesting for a change.

  12. Oh yes, he did.  At least two. Ask any older man in the UK what the "Tuesday Club" was.

  13. Unlikely, or he would not have been considered as a suitable partner for her.  Look what happened when Charles was eligible?  Any potential partners had to have impeccable status, or they were off the list altogether

  14. Go on im curious, what makes you think he has. Your dieing to tell us!

  15. Do you think that anyone would seriously come forward and publicly accuse Prince Phillip of being their father?  They would have no street cred at all.

  16. I am sure he did not. I believe he only does what the queen tells him to do.

  17. its rumoured that he did have a daliance with rory emeralds mum around 9 months before rory was born.

  18. And if he did? A gentleman would never mention such things in polite society. A small peccadillo would not be frowned upon. Why England has a reputation to uphold and I do believe we excel in this area. If what you say is true, then all traces of such a child would be well taken care of, I mean in the best possible way. It is not unknown for Royalty to sire other children, but do they ever allow such children to be considered as Royal. I would hardly think so.

  19. when the father of prince Philip write his biography we gone know if he tell

    What gone make the differance for his work as king ?

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