
Did Princess Diana overshadow the "Royals"?

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Diana touched the hearts of the people like no other royal member did in not being aloof and detached.

They (people) related to her fluctuating circumstances and personal strife.

The royal facade of squeaky clean was exposed through Diana and they orchestrated her removal in a number of ways it's believed.




  1. Agreed.  At least Charles was very jealous about her popularity.

  2. We'd still be in the dark if it wasn't for Diana's honesty and candor.  None of the other royal brides show themselves, but Diana was the best.  How I wish we could have her back!

  3. I think she did, but i feel that she was trying to fit into a very difficult position within England and still keep true to herself. It showed through her raising of her boys before her passing.  She seems to have made an impact on them.  They are princes, but she was trying to show them that it is not  a fairytale outside of Buckingham Palace.

  4. I truly believe that Diana did overshadow the "Royals". The reason she did was because she was a "people person". She was in juxaposition to their "stuff shirtedness", snootiness and coldness. I personally wouldn't go across the road to see any of them ... except the Princes.  Henry is so much like Mom... considered a rebel. "Wm is alright, too!

  5. Princess Diana was one of the most classy and non aloof she was a joy to all people not just the title and i found out lately that she is an ancester of mine    and yes she did over shadow the Royals and that is why the Royals had her killed!!

  6. Undressed them somewhat

    She undermined them

  7. I think that I will have to agree with you. I think that the Royal Famiy did set up her assasination. Because she was a very good person, but different from the way that they are. She wasn't afraid to rub sholders with the citizens. She wasn't like the Queen whom will only help people behind a desk, or in the office in her Bukingham Palace. Diana actually would go to some places and talk with the people. The Queen makes very few state visits. And just besides all that, Diana was the center of controversey. She wasn't afraid of the media like the Royals. And I think that is why they had her killed. Because she wouldn't back down to anyone, and she wouldn't live by their standards while she was married to him and even after she had divorced Charles. Even though he was dating Camille while they were married. It is a lot more to the marriage then what we may know or think. But the Queen and her son the Prince will one day have to take account of the arrangement of her death. With God on judgement day they will answer to their wrong doings!

  8. Diana, Princess of Wales obviously overshadowed the royals because she got the people's sympathy and attention. In my opinion, she was a good person yet she manipulated the people. I respect other royals like Princess Anne because they are themselves. They understand that they are not celebrities and they have their services to offer. Diana, on the other hand, maintained this image of being Cinderella in the sense that she acted like a celebrity posing for cameras everywhere. Princess Anne may be aloof yet the amount of work she has done is tremendous. Diana's work was nowhere near Princess Anne's and Prince Philip's.

  9. Who cares, she was a social parasite just like the rest of the family and hanger ons.

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