
Did Rasululah SAW ever ask any advise from the Jews?

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Did I interprete wrongly the verses in the Quran? I can't remember which chapter.




  1. I dont think so. he always asked the Suhaba-e-karam ( Prophet SAW 's companions for advise). They always helped the Prophet. So i guess the Prophet never took advise form the Jews.

  2. Before making your statement, you must be careful.The events regarding the Jews are more precisely and logically described in Quran than in Bible or Talmud.Old testament gives so abhoring pictures of past prophets that one feels embarrased if they were prophets or devils-one prophet sleeping with his daughter and producung children etc.In fact Quran washed all the sins attributed by Jews to the great prophets of god and showed their glowing image and their piety.

  3. Agreed with Beatalic Messiah .

    I also know that he always respected jews .

    But one time Jews cased a spell on him.

  4. It was not really an advice from the Jews. It was an occassion where the Jews in Madinah were fasting on that particular day, which is the Day of Ashura (Muharram 10), the day when Prophet Musa (Moses) led the Israelites out of Egypt from bondage.

    When he arrived in Madinah the Prophet (SAW) learned that the Jews were fasting on the day of Ashura. The Prophet said that we (Muslims) had right over Prophet Moses than them (the Jews) and advised us (Muslims) to fast not only on the day of Ashura but 2 days; either fast 9th and 10th or 10th and 11th of Muharram. Allah knows best.

  5. He use to interact with them a lot. They use to ask him questions regarding previous prophets, customs and rituals. But from my knowledge Muhammad never seeked advice from Jews. Sara is correct the only time Muhammad had a problem with the Jews is when they disobeyed his command when theywere told to help him to fight the Quraysh.

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