
Did Republicans orchestrate Georgian Conflict for political reasons?

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Would Putin expose himself to international ridicule?

Cheney had a man there before things started?

Karl Rove visits with Georgian president before conflict started?

Where there is smoke there is usually fire!!

Have Republicans really sunk this low?




  1. Pat Buchanan speculated about that on the McLaughlin Group stating that he felt Dubya gave the Georgian Pres a green light to start the conflict.  His recent columns talk about PNAC lobbyist ties to McCain and the Georgian Govt. to get them into NATO.

    Check them out on the op/ed page.

  2. No, not Republicans. The Bush Regime.

  3. That's a very interesting question.  I too thought the timing and reasons for fighting were strange.  Now a civil war has erupted and suddenly Georgia is demanding the US support them?  Way too fishy for it to really be coincidence.

  4. No, the idea is ridiculous. Putin has no evidence to back up his claim.

    Just because the US supports the Georgian government does not mean it helped start a war.

    The US isn't responsible for every war, you know. Get your heads out of your asses, people.

  5. I don't doubt it at all, the GOP is really struggling now, hopefully in November they are flushed down the history for ever.

    The GOP ship is sinking, rapidly.

    My Best Regards.

  6. Didn't you hear the Georgian President and I quote "Like McCain says we are all Georgians today" when he was addressing his people when this was first going on...He acted like McCain was the FN president!

    I believe it could have been planned...

    and  I ain't no Georgian or support any of or ever!

    Put that millions of $$$ of aid here in the US for the families here that have lost everything from this economy!

  7. No - Russia attacked and killed innocent Georgians.  Russia is just trying to blame these murders and their lawlessness on others!


  8. h**l, Bob they pulled off 911!!!

  9. Yes, the had their stooge the President of Georgia invade Abkhazia and Southern Ossetia, which wanted to be independent and the Russians had no choice but intervene, An important issue was oil too.

  10. there is little doubt that we had a hand in it, we spend billions each year watching Russian troop movements and surely knew they had troop massing on the border, also we have embedded advisers with Georgian army how would they have missed a major attack build up?

    the PNAC and other groups care nothing for human lives, only their agenda.

  11. Yes, just like they orchestrated 9/11, are hiding UFOs under ground, and are keeping Superman in a sealed box for when he can really come in handy.

  12. I asked this question a week ago and got a fantastic best answer. Thought you might like to read it so here you go.;...

  13. Sadly...I would not be surprised if they did.

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