
Did Richard fix the outcome of the Venus/Serena QF match tonight?

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Venus was always near winning the set, then the tie-breaker, then the match, but she would make stupid errors and let Serena win. It was extremely frustrating and almost infuriating to watch.

Do you think the match was fixed in favor of Serena?




  1. i expected venus to win this one.

    it was a close match but i think it wasnt fixed.

    cos serena is famous for her great self confidence and comebacks, while venus does tend to go for too much and make errors.

    so i dont think it was fixed.

  2. Than why going to tiebreak? Venus could just give her points on her serve, make double errors etc. and make it an easy win for Serena.

    And why would they do that? If they do care about no1 spot they would play more matches and prob. be there soon. So no.

  3. Yes, absolutely.  Looks at the flow of match - the easy winner Venus would miss, or the timely double-fault during a tiebreaker.  

    I challenge anyone who does not believe it was fixed - to watch the tape again.  Then go back, and watch Wimbledon as well.

    Last, neither wants to play 3 sets and be tired for next round.   This match was guaranteed to go just 2 sets.    

    Venus = Wimbledon - chance to make history for number of wins.  It is Venus' favorite of the majors.

    Serena = US Open - a win placed her No 1 and continues her US Open titles.

    Even the online betting agencies had this one picked easily.

  4. no

  5. no, i just think venus couldnt come through on the game winners

  6. HOW DUMB QUES is this...I mean only because they are part of the same family if 1 player improve drastically & another make errors---ITS FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Really this opinions are EXTREMELY DISRESPECTFUL & RUDE 4 legendary champions like SERENA & VENUS--they are extremely professionals & they meet each other so many times.....

    & talking abt making errors/comeback that happened in WIMBLEDON FINAL also...SERENA was leading at the early stage bt she started making errors & Venus bounces back...

    Grass surface was more suitable 4 VENUS & hard court suits match went by SERENA's favor this time...


  7. Oooh... conspiracy!  Match fixing!  Alert the authorities!

    Despite the certainty of losing consideration for "best answer", this question is just plain old ridiculous!  

    WHY would they want to fix a match?  

    WHAT would they have to gain from doing so?  

    HOW could they have pulled it off so convincingly?

    WHO puts these crazy ideas into peoples' heads?

    Serioiusly, enough of the silly speculations.

  8. I don't mean to get on your bad side but you really must stop doing these kind of things. Every time the sisters are playing against each other these stories always come up. First of all I could understand people saying these things in the past, but have you not seen their last two matches?

    Their matches are not fixed!!! It's hard for people to see that at times but pay attention to the emotion coming from both sisters during their past two matches. It used to be Venus always seem more reluctant to go after her shots because she was playing baby sis. But in their last two matches you just got the sense that Venus wanted this win more than the other times she has played her sister.

    I was telling my Dad last night I have never seen Venus look this angry and sad at losing to her sister before. In the past, whenever she lost to Serena she would quickly gather herself and go back to that "big sister" mode, where it felt that the result of the match did not matter to her because her sister means more. However lastnight's match and at Wimbledon, Venus was a completely different player. Last night you saw the panic and frustration in her face. You saw her trying to find a way to put that set away and getting disappointed when she couldn't. At Wimbledon, Venus just wanted it more and was for the first time against her sister, the aggressor.

    Secondly take a look at Venus' handshake at the net. It used to be that after their match, they would greet each other at the net, shake hands and hug each other, and sometimes a kiss. But last night Venus simply extended her hand for the handshake BUT did not bring her sister "into her body" for the hug. She just shook her hand and perhaps told her "great match sis". And she did not stay for the on court interview. Clearly she was very disappointed at this lost, as much as Serena was at Wimbledon. I highly doubt you can fake this kind of disappointment.

    As for their "stupid errors", you have to understand, in the women's game, Venus and Serena are unmatched with their power and aggression game. Therefore this is what helps them to beat their opponents easily. BUT when you are playing your sister who is perhaps your equal in everything, it is very hard to unleash that power and aggression that you are known for because they both know that it isn't going to work, as the ball will be coming back just as hard and fast as they are hitting it. This causes for a lot of quick and unseeingly errors that some may mistake as intentional.

  9. h**l No !!!!!

  10. although it can be possible as serena can become no1 by winning the open and not venus, i seriously believe that they would not do such thing. it seems too much of a sacrifice on venus part. anyway, this is just a personal opninion, and i hadnt watch the match.

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