
Did Robert Wilhelm Bunsen have any pets? ?

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We are using the Bunsen burner in Science class, and my teacher said that if we find a little bit about Bunsen, write it down, and turn it in, we will get extra credit. So after class, my friend went in and jokingly said, "I know about Bunsen, he was born, he created the Bunsen (even though he only perfected the burner) and he died." So he said, if we could name the Pet hamster that he had, we could get the credit...And at the time, I was thinking that he was serious- but now, I'm thinking he was just saying that to get us to leave..because I can't find anything about a hamster- and if he had one, it probably wasn't important enough to name on his information things...but does anybody know if he did and what it's name was?




  1. I also couldn't find anything about Bunsen ever owning any kind of a pet.

    Here is a liitle bit of info that might get you some extra credit.

    Robert Bunsen was blind in one eye!

    Believe it or not, Robert Wilhelm Bunsen's first (completely voluntary) important researches were on a dangerous, evil-smelling organic compounds of arsenic. During his work on the substances, one experiment exploded, blinding him in one eye. Consequently, Bunsen suffered arsenic poisoning from which he almost died.

    Not surprisingly, after that failed arsenic experiment, Bunsen turned his research away from organic chemistry, and no longer allowed it to be studied in his Heidelberg laboratory.

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