
Did Ruby Tuesday really blow up the wrong restaurant?

by  |  earlier

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Or was it a joke? I watched someone's version on and the people all looked scared and shocked...???




  1. i think that it was fake why would they put the dynamite in the wrong building?

  2. its really true if you go to the ruby tuesday website they apologize and everything........that was hillarious!!!!!

  3. i think it was real. the reason it hasnt shown up in the news or newspapers is because it happened like 3 hours ago. at they have issued a formal apology to the other restaurant.

  4. They hoaxed blowing up a different building in order to trick/shock people, but they it was a planned practical joke which was made for the sake of viral video marketing.

  5. haha no ok heres exactly what happened

    This is just a big advertising campaign thats going to unfold (i actually think its pretty entertainin).

    They found an old building that there were going to blow up, and there was a ruby tuesdays near it. So they named the restaurant, and "accidently" blew it up. (btw it wasnt even in mount holly OH). Then they made a fake website for cheekys bar and grill (the date made was jul 3rd 2008) Then if you go to the website, It says, the website is temporarily unavailable due to the aug 5th incident. If you witnessed the incedent email blah blah blah and if you email it then you get an autoreply that says, we usually reply within 48 hrs but due to the incident on aug 5 it may take longer. Then Ruby Tuesday made a bunch of Youtube accounts (they were made the day before) and put the videos on there.

  6. well ruby tuesday did truly blow up a reasturant, however i dont think it was an accident that they blew up the wrong one.  it was part of their plan to say they used to look like all the others but from now on they wont.  i tried to look up a phone number to that cheekys reasturant and coulnt find a listing for it, so it seems it had been out of business maybe or i just didnt look hard enough for the number, but yes they blew one up but it was planned to be the wrong one. in my opinion

  7. They tried to "Punk Us", they are about to remodel.

    so it was all a big hoax.

  8. i think i was fake ...somebody made it up..

  9. It is their latest advertising campaign.  Nothing more.   No such restaurant as cheeky's exists.  Check out this website for a little more information:

  10. If it hasn't been on the news (you could Google it or something)and it isn't in any newspapers, I'm guessing it's just a video someone made for YouTube.

    I haven't heard anything about any restaurants getting blown up so I'm guessing it's just a video someone made.

  11. no it's fake. Though funny they actually have a website up and such

  12. yeah lmao, i wasn't sure if it was a joke or a for real apology

    it's a joke apparently... but, it's pretty subtle

  13. It was a Viral, Advertisement video. It is not real no one blows up small buildings like that with TnT they use a bulldozer. It is meant to advertise Ruby Tuesdays.

  14. What exactly IS ruby tuesdays?

  15. It was a joke...just go to there website and you'll see.  I thought it was pretty stupid though.  They did it to say that they won't be mistaken for another casual dining restaurant again.  A lot of hype for something so dumb I think.

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