
Did Russia Attack Georgia or did Georgia launch a sneak attack on Russia??!! ?

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Mainstream media is saying Russia attacked first while some other (more reputable) sources are saying Georgia launched a sneak attack and now the whole thing is spun to make Georgia look like the victim.




  1. Wow.  you are way off.   Georgia attacked South Ossetia, an independant country that they claim is their own.  South Ossetia is a Russian ally and has many Russian citizens living in it.  Georgia attacked South Ossetia to take back the territory that they claimed was theirs.   Russia came to the defense of South Ossetia and fought georgia back and then invaded Georgia.   Frankly, both Georgia and Russia were wrong to do what they did.   Georgia should never have attacked in the first place, and Russia should never have over reacted.  

  2. Georgia is the victim.  Why did Russia recently hand out passports that made S. Ossetians "Russians" so they could go in and attack Georgia to protect "Russians"?  If Russia was only concerned about S. Ossetia, why are they continuing into Georgia past that point?

    Please answer these questions and show me your "reputable" sources showing Georgia as the aggressor, because I'm getting really nervous that we have a huge population of mindless morons in this world.

    And Aurora and Dan, please answer these questions as well.

    No, don't just thumb me down -- answer the questions, mindless morons.

  3. Yep, more spin.

    McCain acts as if who started it is a great mystery, that only time and history will reveal.

    Give me a break!

  4. Georgia did not attack Russia.

    That's just silly... I can't imagine anyone who would believe that.

  5. dude, there's so many lies coming from every direction... which breeds so many misunderstandings

    Georgia neither attacked Russia first nor did Russia literally attack Georgia first (but technically did).

    Georgia launched an offensive into South Ossetia which legally BELONGS to Georgia. The Russians have been running South Ossetia since the 90s by supporting the rebels there.

    When Georgia launched an attack on the rebels, Russia came to defend them and then attacked Georgia.

    thats the situation.

  6. Georgia was thinking it was ok for them to air attack south ossetia  and push their civil too slaughter the russian majority overthere.The 7 august they attack and kill 12 militaries (from Peace force presents since 1992) and 1600 civils. They was thinking their off deal with Usa about oil pipes and rights to build Otan bases overthere ll protect them from russia reaction.

    Russia didn't care and run in  to protect south Ossetia and i don't think they ll need to go further cause usa ll not help georgia. So georgia ll just shut up.

    But in another hand the civil war between the 2 ethnic group have just begin again. Their first confrontation was in 1921 then 1992.

    The problem is Georgia get back to Nationalism in 2004 so was looking to take back south ossetia and also Abkhazia that gets their independence since 1992

  7. Georgia is committing genocide on ethnic Russians in the region (aided by U.S and Israeli special operations using georgia as proxy to attack Russia)Gerogia STARTED everything  and attacked first.Russia is just defending the innocent civilians the georgians are trying to slaughter (the georgians cowardly then ran off, not before taking couple more pops at a few  more innocent civilians launching couple more rockets into hospitals and schools)

  8. my grandma knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guys mom who knew this guys cousin said spongebob did it.

  9. Its a bit complicated. Georgia has two rebel provinces that are pro-Russian, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Both provinces have Russian peacekeepers, but they are internationally recognised as Georgia. Think of something along the lines like, imagining Texas wanting independence or to be part of Mexico. Kinda like that.

    Georgia tried to take back its province, by launching an attack on South Ossetia, not Russia. Russia saw that as a reason to pummel Gerogie to humiliation. Another reason, Russia doesn't want a US allied country so close to its borders and wanted to show the world, particulary the US, who's boss in the region. And all the US could do was condemn the voilence on the sidelines while its ally gets mauled by Russian forces.

    Russia has been verbally attacking Georgia in the past month, and issued passports to South Ossetians. This gave the Russians its trump card of saying "They were merely protecting its citizens against Georgian aggression", making Georgia look like the bad guy.

    Of course, Georgia used to be part of the Soviet Union, so Russia saw it a slap in the face with Georgia sticking so close to US, and trying to enter NATO as a member.

    Also, there is an oil pipeling going through Georgia, the only pipeline from the east that is not controlled by Russia.

    So pretty much, Russia had nothing to lose and lots to gain by setting up the trap of making Georgia make the first move. Now it has practically eliminated future Georgian intervention in its pro-Russian provinces.

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