
Did Russia cease to exist while it was under Judeo-Bolshevist control?

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They even picked a new name for it. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Quite a mouthful. This pseudo-government lasted 73 years,but it's gone now. Did Russia cease to exist during this period? I can't find it on any map between 1920 and 1992. Then it re-emerges in 1992.

Did it not exist in this interval?

It wasn't on any maps.

It had no seat in the UN.

How could such an old nation simply vanish and then reappear after 73 years?

Is this analogous with Palestine perhaps?




  1. Russia, czarist, communist, etc, was never controlled by Jews.

    I advise you to stop posting antisemitic drivel in the travel/Israel section.

    You do not see us (Israelis) posting hateful content in The Ramadan section, do you??

    So how about some mutual respect?


  2. No,and neither has Palestine. It will re-emerge,just as Russian and the Ukraine have done. And the zionist regime will dissolve just as assuredly as the various Communist regimes of eastern Europe and Russia.

    I wonder why the zionists keep ordering  humanitarians over to Ramadan? Do they really not grasp that the entire Left in both Europe and North America is anti-zionist? If I'm a Muslim,it's news to me.

    I've always wondered where they picked up this reputation for intelligence. Apparently they imagine human rights activists,humanitarians,Leftists all over the world are...secret converts to Islam...or something like that.

  3. No question the jews over the history were part of the elite in many countries even the Islamic empires at their time had jews as part of the ruling regime especially as doctors or any other high profile work . and this is all documented . and if you remember they say that when the Ottomani empire was collapsing , most of the leaders of Turkey at that time were Turkish jews .

    and when it collapsed those leaders ran away disguised as women .

    i don't kmow how true is wjat i said above about Turkey , but i heard the same thing about the Cumminsts where they say Karl Marks himself was a jew who came to Palastine at some point working as a reporter . i don't know where i read as well that Stalin came from a jewish family . and what you heard is what i heard that the rulers during the Soviet era were actually jews . actually the Protochols of the Elders of Zion originated first from Russia . and the people who stole secrets of the Atomic bomb from the US and gave it to Russia were actually jewish couple who were excuted later in the US for this crime . soi you see the jewish factor may have been a very crucial one to the Soviet Union .

    it is wrong though to my judgement to say that Russia was not there during the Soviet era . the Soviet Union was only the Emperialistic Russia . it is Russia wearing a bigger outfit .

    the Soviet Union collapsed when Gorbachiv wanted to make the central commitee of the Communist party from the rulers of all the republics of the union as part of his reforms to fix things in the ailing empire . of course and immediately a cue took place not to allow the non-russians to rule the whole country .

    Palastine is not the same  . it is true there was no country called Palastine , but was there a country called America ? half the world countries were not on the map . where did they come from ? this is outrageous .

  4. you dont really know anything. russia joined countries in eastern europe like ukraine and poland to form the ussr. and even though some of its founders were jews, they had converted and were not practicing ones

  5. No,of course not,but it was dominated by a strata of the population that had always been alien and it's natural character was submerged. It is a situation one could compare to Palestine. I'm sure it's day of redemption will come also.

  6. Legally,yes,not not in reality. The Soviet Union - which was heavily jewish at a leadership level right up to the early 50's,or for most of it's existence - was in fact very much an artificial state. The comparison with Palestine is actually quite appropriate. Soviets claimed that Russian was no longer a nation,a people,a culture. Today they belong to the dust-covered grave of history,and Russia has once again assumed it's natural character,it once again on maps everywhere - and holds a seat on the UN - the same seat once occupied by the USSR.

    This should be an inspiration to all Palestinians.

  7. Certainly not.

    The USSR was a federation of constituent Soviet republics, the largest being the RFSR or Russian Federated Socialist Republic. In fact, Russian influence was so immense that Russian was the de-facto language of the entire USSR, particularly after Stalin -- a Georgian by birth -- instituted his policy of Russification across the entire Soviet Union (Russification = the imposition of Russian language and culture as the dominant paradigm across the USSR). This is why the dominant languages in places like Uzbekistan, Georgia, Latvia and others -- all non-Russic areas --was Russian for so many years.

    All of this information is available in the most basic of encyclopaedia. Saying what you say is like saying that Quebec doesn't exist because it's part of Canada.

    Additionally, not one of the ruling Communists of Soviet history was Jewish. Not Lenin. Not Stalin. Not Kruschev. Not Brezhnev. Not Kosygin. Not Andropov. Not Chernenko. Not Gorbachev. In fact, the freedom of the Jews was severely restricted under communist rule as the communists ruthlessly attempted to obliterate and Russify Jewish culture in the country. Communism as a universal ideology may have had numerous Jewish supporters, but the the Communists always turned on them when they became state rulers.

    As for Palestinians, they certainly deserve a homeland. But, historically, there is no distinct Palestinian identity. Throughout history they have been simply a regional variant of a larger dominant culture (i.e., Egypt, which ruled Gaza for many years; or Syria, which was designated as the "seat" of the mandate, province or millet of "Palestine" by the Ottomans, French, etc.). Their struggle with Israel is based more on coarse and uneducated hatred than any national aspirations. Their actions, and the actions of their leaders and so-called "allies" bear this out. You are fooling no one.

  8. No,and neither has Palestine. A good comparison since it both cases the jews took over.

  9. russia always existed, it was on maps, just not as an independent country.

    no analogy works though because there never was a country called palestine.

    israel's a good analogy! it was there, then it was gone for a while, occupied by others, including arabs, now it is restored.

    but palestine never existed, and it never will.

  10. Jews were the oppressed, not the oppressors, in Russia.

  11. It's a valid comparison,given the extent of jewish domination within the Communist party. I don't know where that valerie got the idea "jews were oppressed" in the USSR; it was very heavily jewish at a leadership level. I gather many jews do not know the difference between the Czarist era and the Bolshevik era. In any event,yes,Communism was at that time highly anti-nationalistic so every effort was made to eradicate particularist culture and replace it with an artificial "revolutionary" culture. Plus,the name went off the map. It also involves ethnic cleansing,the Holodomar being the obvious example with a death toll of 7 million. It's primary architect was a jew named Lazar Kaganovich. So much for the alleged oppression of jews in the USSR. He was Stalin's Himmler.

    To answer the question: no,nor will Palestine,no matter what the level of oppression. Even the Ukraine is back on the map,and they were even targeted for genocide. Actually,that would be a better example since the Bolshies used the same argument for it's liquidation - that it had never had an independent existence,therefore it could be liquidated.

    It's still there,and today it is free.

  12. No,but it was subsumed by the an externally imposed government,as in Palestine. Artificial states do not exhibit longevity. In fact it was only in the early 70's that the name of the Palestine Desk at the U.S. State department was changed,and I suspect they will have to change it back again before long.

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