
Did Russia decide to invade Georgia after they heard a couple of Georgia football players got suspended?

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Thinking, fairly or unfairly, that Georgia's defense would be undermined?




  1. Do you know that Georgia entered South Ossetia on Friday night and killed around 1500 civilians and around 30 russian peacekeeping solders there?

    Do you still think it is time for joking?

  2. NOoooooooooooooooo.   Peaches, buddy.  It's war for peaches.

  3. Um yeah, I'm going to have to ask you to come in tommorow. You see we've "lost" a few people lately and we sorta have to play catch up.

  4. No.  Go read a newspaper, come back and try again.

    What is really crazy is the Americas Bush, Obama and McCain voicing their opinions about Russia keeping out of Georgia while they've invaded two sovereign nations, have threatened to invade North Korea and are still on track for invading Iran.

    Who the h**l are these people to talk!?

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