
Did Russia really just s***w up militarily & politically?

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By invading and taking out Georgia did the entire western world just go man this isn't gentle ben the Bear it is the Russian Bear?

Are all Countries that have past hostilities with Russia Preparing for war now?

France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Ukraine and all the old USSR soviets holdings?

Did the Russian show of force not only not scare them, but reminded them the Russian Government is not all that friendly and was/is seeking to take but it's satellite states and perhaps over lands.

Did the Russian Government in effect play the were going to scare the world card and the world was like drop dead?




  1. Russia didn't invade Georgia. Right there, that's a lie. The countries with past hostilities with Russia are not preparing for war well maybe the USA with the way Bush and McCain are talking.

    I live in Norway and I can tell you that the european countries are not preparing for war BUT they are shitting in their pants in fear. Specially Norway.

  2. They had more justification for invasion than the U.S. did for Iraq. Why can't South Ossetia separate, but Kosovo can? Why can only U.S.-supported countries separate into their own states? You should really know the whole story. Were you happy when, in the 80's, the U.S. overthrew the democratically-elected Guatemalan socialist leader, and installed and funded a leader who killed about 100,000 indigenous Mayans, because they were "communists"? I bet the U.S. media never portrayed it like that.  

    As a Russian-born U.S. citizen, I can't help but have strong feelings about this. Russia had been humiliated after the breakup of the U.S.S.R. and had been losing influence in the region to the U.S. as more and more former Soviet nations turned pro-U.S. and set their sites on NATO... So now, Russia wants to "show the world" that it's still there, and that while the U.S. is now in its geopolitical backyard, it is, after all, still THEIR backyard.

    We also don't know just how guilty the Georgian government was of allegedly committing crimes against the Ossetians...

    In the end, though, Russia's action was wrong. If their only intent is to protect the South Ossetians from Georgia's government's alleged crimes, they still used a wholly disproportionate amount of force to counter that... But I doubt they, like any country, REALLY give a c**p about the human rights of a group in another country. Their real reason must have been the aforementioned "sending a message." This motive is worse because, as war should always be absolutely a LAST resort, they have just killed people and tore up a country to coldly "prove" their point.

    We can draw parallels to the arguably worse deed of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and we can draw parallels to other U.S. action-for-politics scenarios. We can acknowledge that as a nation, Russia may have concerns about their pride and it  about establishing a deterrence of the U.S. political influence. But in the end, NONE of these things justify what Russia is doing. I think they simply crossed the line because they went to war for politics. Another shameless war which makes use of a poor country as the stage of a show of force and political might. Ugly.

  3. Hi!

    Mr Putin is directly responsible for what happens in Georgia.

    Russia thinks that the Western world is weak. They forgot that Eastern European countries are tough (explicitly due to the fact that we are forced to live near Russia).

    Russia wants to expand. that's just it! Expansion. Is not about freedom (Russia is not in the position to talk about democracy) but about energy!

  4. France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Norway, Poland, Sweden, UK etc. Dont hate Russia, i think they prefer Russians than Americans, they hate the US, apart from that, Russia is the world most important natural gas suplier to EU, and a very important  petroleum one. EU would have to think twice before messing with Russia, Russia is extremely powerful, and as USA makes plans to make Russia weaker such as alliances or memberships, Russia now is with China, India and Iran, so you let them away from your alliance, they make there own one. Eastern Europe hates Russia, Western Europe hates USA, Western Europe will not mess with Russia

  5. they did scare everyone. everyone thought Russia is dead but now we know they can still kick some ***, that will put brakes on American invasions in other soveriegn countries.

    Where the h**l were those EU countries when we wrongfully invaded Iraq.

  6. Yes, the Russians are know for this type of suprise. They are right I think the rest of the world is tired of war and Russia took advantage. They know we will not fight...we have too many stupid Liberals that got us in this fix. Now we need a draft and build our military. Liberals need to go to the front line first.

  7. Russia is scaring the world and is making it "drop dead", they are subject to no one and its showing, thank God for Russia

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