
Did Saint Paul distort or amend or alter the teaching of Jesus??

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Did Saint Paul distort or amend or alter the teaching of Jesus??




  1. Let's analyze that:

    Jesus said "Go and sin no more."  (i.e. "repent.")

    John the Baptizer said "repent."

    The Old Testament prophets said "repent."

    What did Paul say?  Well, how do you like that?  Paul said "Repent!"

    So, where is the distortion?

  2. looks like it - for example where did the confession box come into christianity?

    was probably for his own pleasure and amusement.

  3. Yes.  He wasn't really a saint.  He added all the stuff about h**l.  He borrowed it from other religions and found it helped get converts by adding such threats.

  4. Yes.  All of the above.

    Anyone who thinks he didn't needs to sit down and compare the synoptic gospels with Paul's writings.

  5. No. If you think he did, please be specific.

  6. Only those who were there to hear the teachings of Jesus first hand can answer this question, so  I guess you am asking the wrong people

  7. please check out this is site, it explains everything you need to know refering to your question:

  8. Matthew 19:17

    Jesus said if you want to enter eternal life, keep the commandments; whereas Paul said eternal life is free.

  9. No - he expanded upon it and explained it.

  10. No he did not.

  11. From Which Version of the Bible

    Absolutely he did

    No other apostle claimed in the bible ( That it is better not  tp  be


    To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is well for them to remain single as I do. But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion." (1 Corinthians 7:8-9 RSV)

    I dont know anyone else in the Bible who advocated people not to marry

    Patriarchs were Married/ Abraham/ Moses/ David. Solomon/All

    Apostles / all married/

    The ones who weren't never advocated not to marry ( John the Baptist

    died before Jesus/ Elijah/


    Yes , I believe Paul was anti Woman/ and family while Jesus was pro Women

    and did  not celebrate family , but celibacy ( as he had a thorn in his side)

    And Stated it is Better not to Marry/ While all of Jesus Apostles were Married/   and never stated that thesis .. IT IS BETTER NOT TO MARRY.

    God gave them (the Jews) a spirit of stupor, eyes that should not see and ears that should not hear, down to this very day. (Rom. 11:8)

    It is shameful for a woman to speak in church. (1 Cor. 14:35)

    I magnify my ministry in order to make my fellow Jews jealous, and thus save some of them. (Rom. 11:13-14)


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