
Did Sarah Palin's daughter Piper order a McMuffin for breakfast, and her mom didn't smile at the cashier?!?

by Guest45275  |  earlier

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Thanks for the 100 attacks on this fine woman and her family, you liberals. You've made yourselves a laughing stock!




  1. Well, as a cashier myself, I would prefer people didn't smile at me, it kind of creeps me out. I'd rather they just knew what they wanted and didn't take forever, I mean it's called a drive-thru for a reason.

  2. Are you kidding, This woman has named her child Piper? She can't name ****. **** you have Track, Bristol, Piper, and Trig. I would hate to see her name a bill she wants passed.

  3. She is to tough to order an egg mcmuffin.   She is such a bad ***. Right?

  4. Uhhh yeah, you are the kind of woman I dread coming into contact with during my day. Little tightly wound, aren't ya?

  5. My god I didn't see that one on the cover of the National Enquirer well this changes everything.

    She kicked *** last night I hope she keeps it up

  6. this has to be the stupid shiiit i heard we laugh??? at what exactly try again lady

  7. I love Sarah Palin.  In the 24 hours since her hate and lie-filled diatribe, dems have been POURING money into Obama's campaign.

    Thank you John McCain.

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