
Did Sarah Palin abuse her power as governor and try to get her brother-in-law fired?

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"...Alaska's former commissioner of public safety claims that Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain's pick to be vice president, personally talked to him on two occasions about a state trooper (her ex-brother-in-law) who was locked in a bitter custody battle with the governor's sister.

In a phone conversation Friday night, Walt Monegan, who was Alaska's top cop until Palin fired him July 11, told the Anchorage Daily News that the governor also had e-mailed him two or three times about the trooper, Mike Wooten, though the e-mails didn't mention Wooten by name.

What role Palin played in seeking her ex-brother-in-law's dismissal is under investigation by Alaska's legislature and is the governor's first brush with scandal in a political career that has been premised on reforming Alaska's corruption-plagued Republican Party..."

Hmmm, if true, what does this say about her judgment and her 'Executive experience as well as her ethics? If true, wasn't she using the power of her office in order to further a personal vendetta?




  1. I don't view trying to take an abusive cop off the streets as an abuse of power.

    Yes, the "top cop" was fired because he would not get rid of an abusive cop.  

    I am a criminal defense attorney, and this might affect my perspective about this.  What are your qualifications on the subject?

  2. of course she did she is a republican...btw a word of NOT go hunting with her when she is stoned...especially from a plane!!!

  3. yes she did.

    but that is good that she is corrupt in republican's mind.

    and yay you are back!

  4. How pathetic you dems are.

  5. They have investigated and decided their is no way to trace this completely back to Sarah but it is the only thing so let the Dem's run with it. We could have months worth a Field days with Biden , but it just shows you who is the better person here. They have tried to make her not getting an abortion on a downs syndrome baby an issue too . How low can you sink really .  

  6. Yawn. That's the best you got? Joe Biden forged documents...but don't bother looking in that though.  

  7. I doubt that she abused her powers.  She may have had good, valid reasons for what she did.

  8. I hope she did try to get her brother in law fired; the man was a creep that tazered his 11 year old step son.  

  9. Yes. That's why she is under investigation  

  10. You should watch other channels as well as MSNBC.

    No, she did not. She said so. Nothing in her past suggests she is lying & I believe her. Innocent until proven guilty, remember?

  11. That is all the dirt the democrats can dig up on her and that is currently under investigation, but this isn't the best argument considering Biden's past or Obama's for that matter.

    Added: to your first response

    The investisgation isn't democrats digging up dirt (thats making sure everything is was carried out fairly and legally), you trying to make this seem like this is huge deal and that this is unheard of from your polititions as if they were angels (especially when they have a list), is the democrats digging up dirt.

  12. Did you hear what this guy was doing? He was beating his wife and using his tazer on them.

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