
Did Sarah Palin boost the economy in one day?

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Since her debut...there was a surge of gun sales to first time female gunowners...

ever since they saw Sarah shoot M4A1 with an ACOG (Advanced Combat Optical Gun Site for you wussy liberal men here)...

Did she start a trend?

Source: My Questions U R Afraid 2 Ask Underground




  1. no , the increase in gun sales is because everybody is evacuating new orleans.  that means several hundred thousand criminals will be visiting hundreds of "host" towns in a 5 state area.

    everybody is arming themselves to shoot these refugees, when they start the same c**p that they did last time.

  2. The day she was announced the Dow dropped 171 points, if that's anyone's idea of what the economy thinks of her, I cant wait to see what the rest of the country does.

  3. I think I'll go get me  a new one. Never hurts to be prepared! Go McCain/Palin '08!

  4. you just made this up, i saw the picture and it wasn't an ACOG - now run along - go play some more COD 4

  5. It would seem so. Good for her!

    Criminals hate armed citizens. It's no fun when you can shoot back at them. I'm sure they prefer unarmed victims.

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