
Did Satan give Confucius the ideas that Jesus taught to distract people in the future from the faith?

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Maybe Confucius taught Jesus?

"Confucius said ...

A good person thinks about virtue, lesser people think about wealth. A good person strives to uphold justice, lesser people scheme to gain advantage. The virtuous are never alone, they soon gain friends; but those who act only through self interest inevitably lose the respect of others.

If people are restrained only by the threat of punishment for breaking the law, they will never develop a true sense of right and wrong. When they are shown by example how to follow rules of good conduct, they will be ashamed of doing wrong and be inspired to do what is right. Whoever learns how to refine his behavior and act with restraint will never do wrong. "

For Confucius, such concern for others is demonstrated through the practice of forms of the Golden Rule: “What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others;” “Since you yourself desire standing then help others achieve it, since you yourself desire success then help others attain it.”




  1. I got the same impressions when I read about Buddhism. They have almost the same commandments but they talk about them more and they make more sense. And Buddha was here before everyone but Moses.

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